Hello n welcome catark. do not know about employment in 2017. Best u speak to young people, say backpackers or take a look at seek on the net to c if there r any jobs. the unemployment queue is a lot longer now than it has ever been. Plenty of volunteer jobs but they won't keep u. Times have changed. Best of luck.
From our travels in the past year away from our home State in VIC to SA, NSW & NT, overseas backpackers seem to be filling any type of available vacancy & doing a damn good job of it.
They're far more attractive to look at than a shrivelled up retiree as well.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
From our travels in the past year away from our home State in VIC to SA, NSW & NT, overseas backpackers seem to be filling any type of available vacancy & doing a damn good job of it.
They're far more attractive to look at than a shrivelled up retiree as well.
When we were travelling and working, found that a lot of places - tourist operations, cafes, mango packing sheds - preferred grey nomads because they would stay longer at the job and be more reliable.
My wife has things for me to do on hourly basis.. Lol.. Great being your own boss..
Yes if your open to do anything there's work out there..
Need to confident .. There is section posted on Facebook where Grey Nomads are in demand..
Very interesting thread. My son who is in your age group is just starting out too.
Once he unwinds from living in the rat race he will also be looking for some work to top up the kitty.
Cathy, You did not tell us what your husbands and your skills are. If building trades are part of his skills then you can travel very slowly in the outback. Retail and hospitality skills are needed up north and in WA. We could have had a full winter in Karratha when they found out the wife had retail management experience.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.