Regardless of any of the comments made, I will continue to freecamp as it suits me.
Why should it be any concern of others why I want to freecamp.
I will tell you though, I hate the closeness of vans in cp's. I hate living in someones front yard.
I will continue to freecamp.
Second reason, I can't afford to pay cp fees.
Perhaps I am just a silly old fool (those who agree can fall out on the left) ... but I fail to see any reason why 'popcorn' needs to be brought out for this thread .. and not the first time someone has felt we need the nutritional value of such pleasant fare.
This thread has simply been a collection or varying opinions and preferences ... all of which are COMPLETELY valid and acceptable.
Sometimes, it seems the ability to share varying and differing opinions and experiences is un-nerving for some.
I find it usually quite enlightening ... sometimes challenging ... and even sometimes entertaining.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Perhaps I am just a silly old fool (those who agree can fall out on the left) ... but I fail to see any reason why 'popcorn' needs to be brought out for this thread .. and not the first time someone has felt we need the nutritional value of such pleasant fare.
This thread has simply been a collection or varying opinions and preferences ... all of which are COMPLETELY valid and acceptable.
Sometimes, it seems the ability to share varying and differing opinions and experiences is un-nerving for some.
I find it usually quite enlightening ... sometimes challenging ... and even sometimes entertaining.
Cheers - John
Evening John, popcorn is called for when the thread is both controversial and predictable, get a group of Grey Nomads discussing electrics, safety, CB radio, toilets, loading RV's, free camping or any number of other subjects is a bit like Groundhog Day, hence the call for popcorn.
SNIP~~~ This thread has simply been a collection or varying opinions and preferences ... all of which are COMPLETELY valid and acceptable.
Cheers - John
Evening John, popcorn is called for when the thread is both controversial and predictable, get a group of Grey Nomads discussing electrics, safety, CB radio, toilets, loading RV's, free camping or any number of other subjects is a bit like Groundhog Day, hence the call for popcorn.
I understand what you are saying Santa .. but I simply reiterate my earlier comment - above.
From my reading of this thread, the need for the "popcorn" seems to have not arisen.
There has not been any self-centred, ill-informed, sarcastic or unpleasant interchanges.
Simply the stating of the opinions held by various members from their experiences ... and/or preferences.
I have found it neither "controversial and predictable'.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
My words were "controversial and predictable" no mention of "self-centred, ill-informed, sarcastic or unpleasant"
Free camping is controversial and the replies have been very much as expected (predictable) hence the call for popcorn.
Correct Santa .. you indeed did not ... However, I was merely stating that this thread has NOT exhibited any "self-centred, ill-informed, sarcastic or unpleasant" comments or jibes.
Hence, why on earth has anyone thought there was a need for popcorn?
And, indeed, again I offer that I have found this thread neither 'controversial nor predictable' .... but then, it is only predictable insomuch that some may respond in a 'predictable' way ... that is - stating their preferences in response to the original post.
But thanks to the openness of respondents, sharing their preferences without malice, that 'predictability' has not materialised, hence the need for "popcorn" has not arisen.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I agree with others, it has been a long time since a thread has had so many comments so quickly, with completely opposing views without any infighting. Thanks all.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
You know sometimes it's about wanting a bit of space and not so many rules.
Spot on Gooba we live on acreridge and hate being crowded into caravan parks, its got nothing to do with how much money we have or havn't got. But each to thier own. Landy
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
OMG, this old chestnut keeps reappearing. I am surprised we haven't had the old Caravan Park supporting fraternity chime in with stay free in our area for so long, but you need to stay in a caravan park for so long!
Seriously, each to their own. I am trying to launch as a solo, my van is nearly totally self sufficient with 12 volt. Happy with it and will free camp whenever possible. Love caravan parks to walk around and talk and see other peoples set ups. Love happy hour, love the me time when free camping. Just do it.
Whoever invented the term ''FREE CAMPING'' should be shot. It doesn't conjure up a good image at all.
We've been ''BUSH CAMPING'' for over 40 years. not because it's ''FREE'' but because we enjoy the Australian bush.
Our main reason for traveling is nature photography, there's nothing of interest to us in a caravan park.
We mostly only stay in them for one night in between week long stretches in the bush.
We spend lots of money in town then head for the bush again.
Another annoying term is ''ON TOUR''. It sounds kind of snobby almost like a royal visit.
We're traveling around but you're ''ON TOUR''. We've met quite a few ''SMART CASUALLY DRESSED ON TOUR PEOPLE'' on our travels, mostly in caravan parks washing their rigs.
-- Edited by Webmaster on Wednesday 8th of March 2017 10:48:16 AM
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Whoever invented the term ''FREE CAMPING'' should be shot. It doesn't conjure up a good image at all.
We've been ''BUSH CAMPING'' for over 40 years. not because it's ''FREE'' but because we enjoy the Australian bush.
Our main reason for traveling is nature photography, there's nothing of interest to us in a caravan park.
We mostly only stay in them for one night in between week long stretches in the bush.
We spend lots of money in town then head for the bush again.
Another annoying term is ''ON TOUR''. It sounds kind of snobby almost like a royal visit.
We're traveling around but you're ''ON TOUR''. We've met quite a few ''SMART CASUALLY DRESSED ON TOUR PEOPLE'' on our travels, mostly in caravan parks washing their rigs.
I gather that if you dare to be a smart casually dressed traveller in a clean rig with a little pride in yourself and not a hobo in a fake dirty bush basher you come under this banner.
An observation made from a one night in seven stay in a c/park?
-- Edited by Webmaster on Wednesday 8th of March 2017 10:47:48 AM
I find plenty of free camp where I want to free camp which are generally out of big town , But in bigger towns and city always stay in a caravan park or showgrounds if I want to be close to the action , Free camps in larger towns some time draw in a lot of feral and and not the grey nomad type .
We do both. We are currently sitting on the banks of the Glenelg river watching the river flow past and listening to the birds and nothing else....this is very hard to find in a caravan park and this is the reason we free camp. There is no other camper here and we are using this break to recharge our batteries. If we want to do touristy things on our travels we will happily stay in a caravan park when need be as we did last year when visiting the Kimberly area. You just can not get what we have right now in a caravan park.
Second you can see there are a few passionate people here.
Third, We have free camped and use CPs. I prefer a 50-50 approach. Mind you im not sitting on the fence as there are many reasons for folks choosing either.
To each his own I say. I have met some great people at both caravan parks and free camps. Also some dags and utter pigs at both. Thus 50-50 works for us.
Cheers (as he munches and drinks a red)
Ex RAAF, now retired. EX Electrician/Teacher.
Homebase is Murray Bridge Tourist Park (in a cabin). New Horse.. 2020 Ford Everest Titanium, Jayco swan for touring.
We are aged pensioners and some of these very well off caravanners can't afford to help the park owners.
I'm a carer for my wife who is on a disability pension and I wont be bothering what others are doing despite their potential means , I dont know their circumstances so who am I (We ) to say eh .
I do find bfirth's posting history interesting tho , food for thought there .
We have just returned from a 25 week trip Accom.cost around $1800 which equates to approx 70 per week.
So as you can see we used C.Parks if and when we had to. Other times were spent in some of the great bush camps around Qld. NSW and Victoria.
Home for 2 months and then off again early in April for the months of April May June and July.
That equates to 12 months out of the 14 months on the road.
I would say that we will have spend around $3500 on Accom. Now that would only give us 3 weeks in a unit on the Gold Coast and it would prpbably have to be in the off season.
Yes we use C.Parks if and when we have to.
The rest of the time is spent enjoying what this great land has to offer.
As an aside we have not bothered to keep tabs on our food or entertainment etc etc , as that
is all part of the costs of living on the road.
Fuel, on the other hand is not monitored as we have to fill the cruiser to allow us to tow the rig.
Just need those fully franked dividends to keep on keeping on.
We have just returned from a 25 week trip Accom.cost around $1800 which equates to approx 70 per week.
So as you can see we used C.Parks if and when we had to. Other times were spent in some of the great bush camps around Qld. NSW and Victoria.
Home for 2 months and then off again early in April for the months of April May June and July.
That equates to 12 months out of the 14 months on the road.
I would say that we will have spent around $3500 on Accom. Now that would only give us 3 weeks in a unit on the Gold Coast and it would probably have to be in the off season.
Yes we use C.Parks if and when we have to.
The rest of the time is spent enjoying what this great land has to offer.
As an aside we have not bothered to keep tabs on our food or entertainment etc etc , as that
is all part of the costs of living on the road v living at home..
Fuel, on the other hand is not monitored as we have to fill the cruiser to allow us to tow the rig, or we go nowhere.
Just need those fully franked dividends to keep on keeping on.
Wow that subject stirred the pot, in our case we stay at free camps most days just so we CAN stay and have a jump on the jumping castles yeh right and actually buy food and have a lovely coffee and cake at a local bakery, if we didn't free camp we wouldn't be able to travel quite so much.Anyway we have met some lovely people free camping and at caravan parks
Yes we need free camps ,showgrounds and caravan parks , If we loose any of these 3 it would put pressure on all of us , If nobody used caravan parks and show ground , What would happen all free camps would be full and people would have where to camp .
We use parks as necessary. I dont believe I owe the various parks anything. Last week we were in a coastal park with freinds, next week we are on an inland lake with another group of freinds. I personally prefer bush camping as we are totally self sufficient and I like some space around me. Hubby however prefer parks with never ending water and power. Each to their own.
Welcome bfirth.
You've touched a nerve with some including me. I'll tell you clearly why.
Being both my wife and l unexpectedly placed on disability 4 years ago we had our working life cut earlier than expected. It meant we could not become mortgage free. We also assist our daughter.
We could not afford to buy a new van. We struggled to build our own, only 11ft long but it looks factory built. Its tug is a classic car. So the rig could be judged as a "wealthy" one.
It is far from the truth. People like yourself observe others rigs, maybe their dress and if they smoke, gamble , drink alcohol or if they can afford a cappuccino machine and judge them as wealthy. If they are wealthy why arent they supporting a CP? Wasnt it their choice to buy a CP? Not mine.
I find such judgemental attitude as unfortunate for you. I do not think it is fair to others. It rubs me the wrong way. Your judgemental mind is one I'd go all out to avoid. The peering through your curtains to see if I'm eating my crayfish, a luxury we have once every 2 years might download as that we are rich. (We can afford popcorn).
Well done in stirring the pot.
See you at a free camp in July, when we have saved for our fuel for our next holiday. I'll know its you and I'll be on my way before you can walk from your prying curtain to your door.
An old man once told me "you never know how much money someone has....and doesnt have.".
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
There's not much point in being concerned about what sort of rig others have and where they choose to camp ,were all different and with some of the big new rig owners it's probably just about all they own,so there not wealthy at all,and if that's the case they need to freecamp. There's a lot of RV travellers on the road and how or where people choose o camp is up to them as long as they don't cause us any problems we have nothing to complain about....
Spot on Ron -D , If you want to use caravan parks use them , If you want to free camp do so but don't bag caravan parks just because you don't want to stay in one and people that want to stay in caravan park should not bag free campers , And free camper should not bag a town because they don't offer free camps instead praise town that do offer free camping and respect want has been offed to you .