I am co-ordinating the BlazeAid camp at Cassilis (NSW) following the recent, very devastating Sir Ivan fire. It is estimated that somewhere between 5,000 and 7,000 klms of fencing has been destroyed with a replacement value in excess of $20M. While we have had some magnificent donations of fencing materials, it is only a fraction of what is required and there is so much fencing needed, some farmers may have difficulties finding the finances to buy the materials. The camp started a week ago and BlazeAid volunteers have been busy pulling down the damaged fences in readiness to rebuild new fences once the materials are on site. Priority is being given to boundary fences and vital internal fences. We still need more volunteers to assist us. Couples are welcome. We will provide 3 meals a day and there is room for your van/motor home. Check our Website at www.blazeaid.com for more information on how to become a volunteer. I can be contacted on 0428 984-117 if you have any questions.
-- Edited by Captain on Sunday 5th of March 2017 01:35:59 PM
Howdy 'Captain'. Welcome to the forum. Glad you have your off-sider to help this time I hope the members on this forum come to help you - and all the other camps. Such an amazingly rewarding experience and we are so well looked after!
'Once you are infected with the travel bug you have it for the rest of your life - there is NO cure'