Over many years I spent hundreds of hours doing hard four wheel driving across much of Victoria. Sometimes I got bogged and had great trouble getting out, sometimes I damaged the vehicle, sometimes I suffered minor injuries and often I spent uncomfortable and wet nights in the middle of wet forests wondering what the hell I was doing there when I had a nice warm, dry home 300km distant! :)
But I did it because I wanted to find beautiful places to camp, places that no one but the locals knew and they don't camp there much because they don't need to. I worked damned hard to build up the database of remote Victorian camp spots I now have.
I don't have a caravan yet but I will over the next two years or less and I'll probably use some Wiki Camps locations then, in fact I used one four months ago when the day went wrong and the camps I expected to be OK weren't so I used a Wiki Camps spot in NW Victoria which was pleasant enough but had a lot of litter and was 100m from a road with heavy trucks passing. There is *no way* I am exchanging my beautiful High Country spots for that.
And, frankly, there are a lot of d!ckheads out there and they don't give a toss if they leave rubbish, churn up the tracks, pollute the creeks of even leave their faecal waste uncovered around the camp and I don't want to help those people one iota to spoil and abuse the bush.
So no, I'll take from Wiki Camps and similar but I will not contribute to it and for that I make no apology because I shall continue to share my precious locations with friends I can trust to treat them with respect.
"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"
Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
What Mike and Macka said. We don't have a lot of spots, just a few remote bits of heaven, mainly for fishing, one of which is not available for camping any more because it's now a reserve. But we keep pretty tight lipped about 'em.
Using the 'selfish' argument doesn't cut any ice. No-one's stopping anybody from going and finding their own.
What Mike and Macka said. We don't have a lot of spots, just a few remote bits of heaven, mainly for fishing, one of which is not available for camping any more because it's now a reserve. But we keep pretty tight lipped about 'em.
Using the 'selfish' argument doesn't cut any ice. No-one's stopping anybody from going and finding their own.
Spot on Jock, like you we've done a lot of travel during the past 40 years, and developed a few favorites, don't pass the locations on, even to friends and relatives.
As you say " No-one's stopping anybody from going and finding their own"
Thank you. I don't feel selfish, just happy to go to my little place of peace that we enjoy a lot.
It probably does get used , but as yet we can still go straight there without much hassle.
Secrets are good to have sometimes!!!!
My big problem I have found when I get some where is that I am treated like trailer trash by those who believe it is their spot. Doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, wants me to stop looking for those special spots. If that is your aim, then please stay home and let us enjoy them without being treated like this! Other than that, I figure this post will get hammered in the normal way!
I agree don't tell anyone about ya favorite spots,we've seen 3 of our best remote spots ruined by yobbo's ripping the place up and leavin rubbish and worse all over the place,keep them to yourself and enjoy them while you can.
This post prove we are a caring, sharing forum and also friendly .
Guess it also proves that some feel everything should be handed to them on a plate, no personal effort required let others do the hard miles, then demand the info be shared with the world, it simply don't work that way.
Over many years I spent hundreds of hours doing hard four wheel driving across much of Victoria. Sometimes I got bogged and had great trouble getting out, sometimes I damaged the vehicle, sometimes I suffered minor injuries and often I spent uncomfortable and wet nights in the middle of wet forests wondering what the hell I was doing there when I had a nice warm, dry home 300km distant! :)
But I did it because I wanted to find beautiful places to camp, places that no one but the locals knew and they don't camp there much because they don't need to. I worked damned hard to build up the database of remote Victorian camp spots I now have.
I don't have a caravan yet but I will over the next two years or less and I'll probably use some Wiki Camps locations then, in fact I used one four months ago when the day went wrong and the camps I expected to be OK weren't so I used a Wiki Camps spot in NW Victoria which was pleasant enough but had a lot of litter and was 100m from a road with heavy trucks passing. There is *no way* I am exchanging my beautiful High Country spots for that.
And, frankly, there are a lot of d!ckheads out there and they don't give a toss if they leave rubbish, churn up the tracks, pollute the creeks of even leave their faecal waste uncovered around the camp and I don't want to help those people one iota to spoil and abuse the bush.
So no, I'll take from Wiki Camps and similar but I will not contribute to it and for that I make no apology because I shall continue to share my precious locations with friends I can trust to treat them with respect.
Aw come on Mike promise I wont tell anyone else.
In life it is important to know when to stop arguing with people
and simply let them be wrong.
This is only my opinion, so I could be wrong But.. If no one passed on information, which they had found through their own efforts, we would still be waiting for the wheel to be invented
There is one little place I'll share here.
found it a LOT of yrs ago and it can't be spoiled much.
One rd in. Sealed off pretty much. and restricted to a small number of overnighters.
If you ordered a "burger with the lot" at the store.
you also ordered 2 x knives and forks.
Etty Bay. Look it up.
You won't get a park in there very often.
but a nice litle place to drive to on way through with a lovely beach stroll.