The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) said the storm was caused by a surface trough combined with some instability over the southern half of the state.
The storm late on Wednesday night created widespread excitement as it blanketed Perth and surrounding areas with huge lightning strikes.
More than 7,000 homes were blacked out overnight as a result.
Western Power said power cuts had affected homes in Perth, Moora, Bindoon, Wongan Hills and Dalwallinu.
About 500 homes in Perth remain without electricity, along with 1,500 to the north of the city and 200 to the south.
Western Power said electricity to those properties should be restored quickly.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
U.H.F CH 18 /40 Say G'day.
Des and Jane
Rockingham W.A.
"Yep" not a bad little display, seeing the B.O.M Mob , only forecast a bit of thunder around the Eastern hills last night !!!!
Sure hate to see it if they did forecast Severe Thunder storms.
Here in Perth it's as humid as anything at present, no rain but as black as midnight towards the South, could be in for another dose pretty soon.