Bridges and roads were damaged by flood waters a week ago isolating Ravensthorpe from Albany and Esperance.
Main Roads regional manager Andrew Duffield surveys some of the damage caused by the flooding.
West of Ravensthorpe on South Coast Highway, the Philips River bridge was ripped from its foundations at the height of the flood and now lies on the riverbank 80 metres downstream.
To get to Albany motorists now have to take an 80 kilometre diversion on dirt roads.
It will be weeks before Main Roads will be able to complete a temporary causeway to take east west traffic across the Philips River while a replacement bridge is built.
The damage bill was estimated to be around $20 million, but that has been constantly revised as the full cost of repairing the 840km of damaged roads in the south east region comes to light.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Many years ago the early 00s we were heading from Albany to Esperance, and got caught in a similar event where we had to detour quite a large distance.
We have been planning a trip to Esperance for the past month or two............suprise suprise if you need a major weather event I can plan a trip to your area and we will see what happens........
I spoke with Ravensthorpe Shire on Friday afternoon as we are leaving Monday morning and from Perth they suggested at Lake King webypass Ravensthorpe by taking the Cascade Rd to Cascade then on to Esperance.......gravel and in good condition.
They indicated they could have a diversion track alongside the damaged area from Ravensthorpe to Esperance ready by the end of this coming week.....
So naturally ring and double check ...... or stay and enjoy your place in paradise :)
I Remember It ...............All Too Well
Wherever the four winds blow. I'm restless, I'm ready
Devastating stuff for the people who live in and around the area. Sad to say that here in Queensland, if it had not been for social media, I would not have been aware that this had even happened. Lots of TV about the fires in NSW, not a sing thing about the floods in WA. I see once again that hay is being delivered to the farm in need in NSW, not a thing that I can see about the same happening in WA. Many people do not seem to realise that a flood is just as, and often more devastating than a fire.
Devastating stuff for the people who live in and around the area. Sad to say that here in Queensland, if it had not been for social media, I would not have been aware that this had even happened. Lots of TV about the fires in NSW, not a sing thing about the floods in WA. I see once again that hay is being delivered to the farm in need in NSW, not a thing that I can see about the same happening in WA. Many people do not seem to realise that a flood is just as, and often more devastating than a fire.
Had my rant.
You have some good points there lewis, about the Media reporting that is,
Being an ex-kiwi I was interested in the devastating fires around Christchurch, Nothing on the local T.V. until three days after the fires had started.
In the mean time I had reports from Friends living near the fires, and got my information from STUFF NEWS N.Z.
It's the same with the donations of feed for the cattle in N.S.W. some of which was trucked over 1000 km, nothing on local T.V. here in Perth,
But there was a big coverage of some person who had lost everything in another house fire, and as usual they were not insured,
I think the Media needs a good shaking up, and stop them pre recording the news, especially in the week-ends, some of which is a day or two late, and by which time the situations have changed drastically.
There, that's my rant for the week-end .
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Devastating stuff for the people who live in and around the area. Sad to say that here in Queensland, if it had not been for social media, I would not have been aware that this had even happened. Lots of TV about the fires in NSW, not a sing thing about the floods in WA. I see once again that hay is being delivered to the farm in need in NSW, not a thing that I can see about the same happening in WA. Many people do not seem to realise that a flood is just as, and often more devastating than a fire.
Had my rant.
You have some good points there lewis, about the Media reporting that is,
Being an ex-kiwi I was interested in the devastating fires around Christchurch, Nothing on the local T.V. until three days after the fires had started.
In the mean time I had reports from Friends living near the fires, and got my information from STUFF NEWS N.Z.
It's the same with the donations of feed for the cattle in N.S.W. some of which was trucked over 1000 km, nothing on local T.V. here in Perth,
But there was a big coverage of some person who had lost everything in another house fire, and as usual they were not insured,
I think the Media needs a good shaking up, and stop them pre recording the news, especially in the week-ends, some of which is a day or two late, and by which time the situations have changed drastically.
There, that's my rant for the week-end .'s way more important reporting non existant racism etc isn't it??? Lmao - what a croc.......
go back to the poor dudes that were lost in yarloop cos they can't get a broadcast out in a community of 70 people because they're too busy reporting crap that don't even people caring about people 'escaping' other countries to bring ours down..........
globalisation = making us 5th world.....soon we'll be free to rebuild what we built.........