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Post Info TOPIC: big rig arrogance

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big rig arrogance

Might come as perhaps a ridiculous question but over the years I have noticed a bit of arrogance or snobbish behaviour when it comes to the size of ones caravan or in my case lack of one !! 

I drive a small campervan which was bought new in 2011 fitted out by myself the same year  and for 2 people meets all our needs ..  I don't give a stuff about what anyone drives and never judge !!  after attending a few happy hours over the years the same question always seems to pop up ..   ie; 'How do you manage to stay in such a small space for so long !! don't you think you should get something bigger !!!!!!!     This i usually laugh off ( rather than say what I'm realy thinking !! lol  ) 

Sometimes wonder is it just me or has anyone out there driving a small rig experienced this ?

Yes put this all down to these d.......s (  excuse the language !) thinking that they are better than anyone else by the size of the rig they drive !!!!!

Curious to hear from anyone out there ?



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Yes there is a LOT of ''one upmanship'' attached to the size of ones rig. Also comments like ''how do you cope without an en-suite''?

Luckily we spend most of our time camped out in the bush with no-one else around so we don't have to listen to all that kind of crap. cowboy.gifcowboy.gif

We love camping in our tent when we use our 17ft boat. Real camping!


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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I don't really think it is "snobbishness" as you say.

Some people just can't be organised enough (self included) to live in a small space and do wonder how others do it.

We have a 21' caravan which suits OUR needs and lifestyle!  Many people have larger vans and many have smaller.

We never judge people on their choice.

Neither do we bang on about how OUR method of camping is more REAL camping than how others do it.  Each to their own.

If you want to go REAL camping take a horse & swag.



Neil & Lynne


Western Australia

MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3

' 1260w Solar: 400ah Lithium Battery: 2000w Projecta IP2000 Inverter

Diesel Heater: SOG Toilet Kit: 2.5kw Fujitsu Split System A/c



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Thanks for your input delta ...  yes perhaps there are some people that cant cope in a small space but I disagree that there is no snobbishness involved on some occasions ! just by the thread of some conversations about a small rig !

Great point about horse and swag !  glad the majority of campers  are like yourselves ................




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Thanks desert dweller .......   I can see that this has happened to you guys before !  and no matter how much people may disagree with my point it certainly does happen ... there are people out there that just think they are so much better than anyone else ! and you are judged accordingly by what rig you may have .




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I find it all amusing. We built our own van, 11 feet x 6 feet with ensuite. Think of it this way. I had around 60 or more jobs in my working life. Resulted in cashing in on my super in the 80's rarely rolled it over then. If you were lucky to secure a job in telecom of govt and stayed there 25 years you ended up with a nice super meaning the capacity to buy a bigger van, new 4wd and run it. Also, those with inner city homes sold to move further out have money excess and money makes money. Some of this is luck, some is clever planning so for those reasons, we end up with being in a certain situation of choice and/or financial opportunity. Not to mention inheritance. Eg l have none and never will. So be it. I'm not jealous of those who do...ever. I dont believe that people woth larger vans are arrogant if they are its rare and they have a problem. I'm always getting people asking about out cute van and their jaw drops when l tell them it has an ensuite. With a larger van they cant conceive how one can live in it. Walking in anothers shoes isnt easy but travel around in a large caravan for a while and you might wonder how you did it all in a campervan. I've met wonderful people from backpacks to a 30 footer.


Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him... 

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Great reply eaglemax ..  I can remember also just having a swag and heading off to the bush with my old panel van .. wife and I loved this way of camping but getting a bit older one looks for those creature comforts and more suited to the old aches and pains ! ..

You are right thank god .. majority of people we have met are great some with the big 5 wheelers  some just sleeping in a tent ... end of the day we are all just getting a bit of fresh air and enjoying this beut country . and different circumstances for everyone for sure .






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I just had a look on other threads to find out that there are other people who have experienced big rig snobbishness over the years !   which is very sad eh !!

Always the minority as they say !!


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.......and at the end of our Chess Game the King and Queen go into the same box as the Pawns...if you have to choose between health or wealth its a no brainer what is the most

important...I'm happy to keep breathing and don't give a damn what other folk think or don't think about my rig.....and my dog doesn't much care either so long as he's next to me he would

hop into a cardboard box with me...does that make our canine friends smarter than some people.?.....lmao...Hoo Roo



'You are loved when you are will be loved when you die....In between, You have to manage!'....

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Hi, no different to living in a house i guess. 


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love it gold finger lol    another wonderful reason why I love this site ...    oops nearly fell off the chair  !!!!!!!!!!!



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I use to have a small, but very capable, 4WD and frequently received disparaging and supercilious remarks from owners of *real* 4WDs.

My usual reply was; "Yeah... I was going to buy a lifted, V8 Patrol (Landcruiser) but then I remembered I had a normal sized male appendage so didn't need one".

Never heard another peep from them after that :)




"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland

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happens more than we think it does  lol   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Golden years a very interesting point you raise, now although we have yet to do much traveling and sit in on happy hours I would sooner walk over a hot fire in bare feet than presume to tell someone what rig they should have got as its none of my business I have no knowllege of their individual situation, needs or finances, some people like living close to each other others like a bit of room and that's their choice and has nothing to do with me or anyone else for that matter.
Our choice of a fifth wheeler was firstly for safety of towing, and not too bloody high, no yank tank for us, however if someone wants to go that big that's their prerogative and certainly should not look down on others choice, followed by sufficient room for " us " to be comfortable with, our choice alone .

Mike Harding I also concur with you comment I will admit to using that same analogy on the odd occasion ,
Perhaps we could be accused of one downmanship on that, lol.



 When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace !  24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff) 



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One of the good things about having a wizz banger is people are not inclined to park up close. I also have a dog that is another off putter. Single female? God I'm an outcast.



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The things some people lose sleep over.

IMO, Ignore them and move on as most of us do. no


Cheers, Richard (Dick0)

"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"

"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".

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Of course there is me's, their's and our's.  Who gives a rat's ars...................  I don't care what people are in and I think smaller the better otherwise stay home.  

I don't owe anybody anything except to the man up 'top' and I will not expect him to care what I was cruizing in down here.

I went around most of Australia in a Sandman and you know what people used to think of them lol!!



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woody and sue .............  good reply and    straight to the point ..     I also wouldn't raise any remarks about what anyone has ...  or even put anyone down  ! as I have said before is always the minority ... that have this   better than you syndrome !



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Well, here is a slightly different take on this issue. (personally, we have never ever come across anything that slightly resembles "snobbishness" attitudes from large rig owners in 20+ years of caravanning).
On one occasion whilst camped at a National park in Qld (where the Lava Caves are) a very large and very impressive rig pulled in along side our caravan. When I said G'day the owners immediately came over to say "you know something, we have been travelling around Oz for a few weeks now in this RV and your the first person with a caravan who has made the effort to say hello". "We have often thought maybe it is because we have such a large rig we are not worth talking to". Had a great evening with them. Before they left the next day they invited us in to take a look at there rig. Absolutely magnificent as were the couple. So there you go, sometimes misunderstandings occur.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 

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hey Helen I had the sundowner p/van   lol   !!!!!!!!!!



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I've had from 28ft to 12 ft 6in rear door over a lot of yrs.

Raised a family. in 22fter in early '60's.

most comfortable touring was in 21ft (ext) roadstar with Ensuite.
Had larger. not worth the money nor hassles.

Most relaxed to tour, live in and find park for. 17ft6 semi offroader.
Magic van.

Easiest to get into places. obviously the 12 ft 6.
That spent 6 months in Darwin with door end roll out.
side canopy and Factory Aircond sitting on a 44 outside window.
We lived outside, slept in van under Aircond
in much cheaper Permanents park.Long gone now

Magic for Di's first yr in vans.
But was swapped for the 17ft 6 on way back down South. (Practicality)

We toured from that base with boat for 5 or 6 Dry's.

Everybody different. And most can live in any.

Cost wise. 16 ft 6 to 18ftish. comfort wise. 18 to 21ftish.

Above and below that, are detrimental in some way.
Too big. Too small. Too exy to buy and large tug to tow.

All compromises.

Me. Now on my last van.

535 light Tandem full height van. under 2 ton. 2 singles.
Tows nicely and economically with D-Max. Has everything,
Fits nicely anywhere I'll go, and lovely nice big single beds.
Ext shower. HWS and Porta Potti.

Looking back over the 50 odd yrs doing it.
I'd say, That'd be The best all round size to cruise in, long term.
Comfort, reliability. space to move. change out of $40k. Just.
($28k + $12k.)

Personally. I'd always say spend most on tug.
No matter what a van worth. it ain't going nowhere if tug not working.

IN MY OPINION....Yours will probably be different.
Whatever you got. Enjoy, and wear the tyres out.


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-- Edited by pinballpat on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:11:37 PM


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Good on ya pinball ...   what a name  loveeeeeeeeee   it loll !!!  I want to buy a loserbago  ha

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:13:23 PM

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:14:07 PM

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:17:13 PM


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Now Pinball, THAT name is funny.....reverse put down on the well heeled.... your reply's Macka and so never use 5 words when 20 will suffice.......they do however make sound/reasoned've had far more experience in your 119 years than I've managed in my 69er years.!.....lmao....Hoo Roo

-- Edited by Goldfinger on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:20:57 PM



'You are loved when you are will be loved when you die....In between, You have to manage!'....

Church Sign: 'Where will you be sitting in Eternity?..smoking, or non-smoking?....


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goldenyears wrote:

Good on ya pinball ...   what a name  loveeeeeeeeee   it loll !!!  I want to buy a loserbago  ha

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:13:23 PM

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:14:07 PM

-- Edited by goldenyears on Thursday 16th of February 2017 05:17:13 PM

 Me too smilesmilesmile



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To us it's all about being out & about enjoying our country.

What you do it in comes a very distant last.

If we wanted luxury we'd stay at home in our beach-side home all year round. It's nice to get away & ''rough it'' for a change.

Some overused words describing RV's are things like PRESTIGE, EUROPEAN LUXURY etc. What a load of hogwash.


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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I drive what I like, I tow what suits me and I like....most people are of the same opinion. Unfortunately, you have people who are far smarter than everyone else (according to them) and then there are those who are envious  (green eyes.....).

Do and get what suits you or makes you happy and stuff the rest...

I like Ford F trucks ,have for 40 years, had a few over the years, presently have a 2005  Aust/Brazil model ( can't justify the cost of new ones) and love it. I get remarks such as 'Why would you buy something so big etc etc...

I also have 2 new ranger 4x4 dual cabs ( business of course, as with the f truck), my reply is that I like it and it suits my lifestyle.

Thus when I ordered a van (traveller 23'6) it suit my needs, ie : I've got the tow vehicle ,plenty of room, mum and I are or should be happy, that's all that matters to us. We're not trying outdo anyone, just hopefully it will do what we want.

I never look down on anyone and never will, I enjoy peoples company, no matter what they travel in or where there from ,if I come across people who do have an odd disposition I tolerate it, then avoid them later. I think most travellers are of the same opinion.

The F250 is not for everyone, It has it's own postcode for a turning circle and like me on friday (most days) likes a drink.

I first travelled most of the way around OZ ( 1970)  in a Morris Minor, recap tyres and all, blankets ,open fired cooking, rough as guts, loved it.

I also travelled the cape and lots of other outback places with a Nissan Patrol and a Ultimate camper trailer, had a few remarks re: they ( were overpriced etc) , green eyes....

Don't let the green eyes or self appointed geniuses, annoy you...


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We used to have a 26ft Motorhome & at times while we were on the road for extended periods,

would stay in a motel 2 or 3 nights a week , used to get a bit cabin crazy . But now , that there

is only 2 of us , 17ft will do . And people get a bit of a shock with my "claytons 4B" , when I point to

th front diff . Duzz me.

Gunna Go


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Goldenyears has a minority of people that annoy him. Others say "dont let them annoy you" etc. But his makeup doesnt allow for such automatic discounting. Yep, l get "small isnt it"? And so on. It doesnt bother me but it bothets goldenyears and we are all different. If someone throws their cig butt on the ground they get a mouthful from me...that laxiness irritates me whereas others dont give a damn. He might not find comments easy to ignore. So a practical answer to those asking how he lives in such a tiny campervan is " I'm happy, I've got everything here l need"...and leave it at that and then CHANGE THE SUBJECT. you might find goldenyears, that they are ripper people.


Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him... 

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eaglemax  nice to open a can of worms  lol   !!!!   .... certainly got the response I expected ...  and I wonder why ?

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