I know we Ex Pat Poms are famous for moaning about the weather.
Yesterday driving down to the Snowy mountains from Qld down the Newel Highway was the hottest I have ever encountered. Normally I run both fronts side windows wide open for the cooling breezes.
Yesterday no-way. Closed the windows, and if I did put my hand out the window I can say without exaggerating it was like putting my hand in front of a hair dryer on a hot setting. Never imagined it could be that hot.
Now I have a better understanding how wonderful our Fire Fighters are. Out there in that heat fighting fires to help people and save their homes. I was driving in the heat with no idea what was happening in the country I was driving through.
I thought I was hot and had no idea that these people were out there doing what they do.
Thanks seems such a small thing to say to these volunteers.
All people that work outside do it hard in the hot. Even us up North that are more used to it.
But those Firies?. Volunteer and paid. plus Ambo's police. Nurses.
ALL deserve our thank's plus.
My first job in Aust back in 'dec '73. was on a Norwest Dragline on lake Torrens. 5 weeks in the country, out from a Pommie winter. 52\54 deg's everyday in a tin cab.
Inside the cab would have been over 60deg with winches and engine. 2 water bags hanging behind my head draining on me. topped up every hr. and all other blokes chuckling about that "Pomegranate" out there. Red as a beetroot then. 44 yrs later.. still here though.
Driving in hot. use aircond set on 3 not full. and leave the rear windows open a crack to let hot air be drawn out.
3 on aircond. It has airflow in coolers long enuff to cool it a bit.
full. Airflow blasting through too quick. Doesn't have enuff time to cool anything worthwhile with 90% of them.
Also if travelling t'ween regular servo's. Stop at every one. get a bucket of cold water. and have several towels. Wet and round shoulders in airflow. also evaporates and cools. Don't worry about water IN car. it'll evap too quick to do any damage.
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 12th of February 2017 10:33:56 PM
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 12th of February 2017 10:35:58 PM