Hi All, We have just purchased our first van and wish to install a reversing camera, I have been told to stay clear of the wifi units, although someone told me that if you wired the camera into say the parking light the interference would be minimum. I also wish to purchase a two way radio. Any advice on the above would be greatly appreciated. Regards Alex
Welcome to the forum Alex this post may have been better in the techies section but I assume you mean fitting a rear camera to the van and the 2 way radio would be for communication when parking ? If this is correct I have a Safety Dave system hard wired both through the van and the vehicle to a monitor on the dash, the monitor has sound so you can hear directions given by someone standing at the rear of the van so no radio is required. The camera is also handy for keeping an eye on what is behind you when you are out on the road. Safety Dave have a website if you want to have a look at their cameras, in terms of the best way to wire it up I'm not an expert as the van came with a camera already installed so I'll have to let others answer that one for you.
I also wish to purchase a two way radio. Any advice on the above would be greatly appreciated. Regards Alex
I have used this company for UHF Radios before. I'm assuming you mean an In Dash type unit?
If you want to communicate with a Spotter when reversing, mobile phones work great, driver on Hands Free & spotter talking normally. No need to remember to press the PTT button.
Hi All, We have just purchased our first van and wish to install a reversing camera, I have been told to stay clear of the wifi units, although someone told me that if you wired the camera into say the parking light the interference would be minimum. I also wish to purchase a two way radio. Any advice on the above would be greatly appreciated. Regards Alex
Hi We have all Mongroose camera and mirror monitor, yes a monintor in the mirror fitted to our set up works a treat.
Now the camera on the back of car comes on when you select reverse thats great when we are car only but when we have the caravan on they work full time. I am able to monitor whats behind me but you still need the mirrors to stay legal as the mirrors won't help directly behind and the camera will. The money we have spent is truly worth while, with my work experience driving transport trucks I probably would of got away with any thing but the camera has made it dead easy. Had the money and spent it.
The mirror monitor is what sold it to me, My eyes continually wader between outside mirrors, windscreen, inside mirrors with out looking down on the dash. Great investment.
The whole setup come in at around $800 fitted, fully wired by a professional. I could of done most cheaper but using top of the range gear has paid off.
We have a safety Dave as well it's a good unit factory fitted,seen a guy drive in with one he fitted himself,getting the wire down the back wall would be the main obsticall ,so he simply ran the cable under the van an attached the camera to the rear bumper on the van alongside the spare...
Gday and welcome to the forum I have been towing with a rear view camera that is hard wired for about 6-8 years and have found it great for being able to see what is coming up behind especially large trucks. It also makes getting on site much easier, mine was also purchased from safety Dave and he sells a range of cameras with differing fields of vision, I found the 120 degree too misleading so I went for a narrower field of vision.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
Hard wired is way better than WiFi and get a camera with a 90 deg lens or less, most reversing cams are 120 deg and you won't see the Kenworth until it's 10 feet away, with a 90 deg cam you can see it like in a rear view but stills allows you to see stuff close up.........
Checking out the places I drove past a thousand times................