I used to lie in bed each night in Brissy, and listen to my 'Crystal Set'...no power, no battery's, no cost.....crystal sets used the power in radio waves to power the set for free...!..Hoo Roo
-- Edited by Goldfinger on Tuesday 17th of January 2017 03:24:37 PM
'You are loved when you are born...you will be loved when you die....In between, You have to manage!'....
Church Sign: 'Where will you be sitting in Eternity?..smoking, or non-smoking?....
Brylcream, boiled chokos, lambs tongue in a tin with jelly, warm milk in a bottle at "play lunch", leather soccer balls with mutton fat applied to the stictching, "scraps" form the fish and chip shop for 2 pence, LSD ( the currency!), reds under the bed, red rattlers, travelling with the train doors open, tuppeny bungers, GI cordial, dired ice.
Bread & dripping, bread & butter pudding, tin can phone, rotary phones, cortinas, the original VW beetles, the orignina mini, using our imaginations to entertain ourselves..........
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.
The iceman in his horse & cart down the back lane with block ice. How much do you need son, 1 1/2 blocks please & then watch him with his ice pick cut the blocks clean as a whistle.
Gob stoppers, 2 inches of water in a bath on a Saturday night, eating my dinner without talking, new pair of shoes at Christmas, Mum's roast every Sunday, playing in the street with 52 other kids until 9.00 at night, sleeping of the front lawn when it was hot,
Black cats, bottle coke with nail holes in the lid (so it would last longer), living without power in my Grandma's house and cowboys and indians with my brother's ) I always had to play dead). Ahhhhhhhhhh the 'good ol days!!
I used to lie in bed each night in Brissy, and listen to my 'Crystal Set'...no power, no battery's, no cost.....crystal sets used the power in radio waves to power the set for free...!..Hoo Roo
-- Edited by Goldfinger on Tuesday 17th of January 2017 03:24:37 PM
Yes, got me interested in radio eventually gaining my full call amature radio licence.
Honesty and integrity from politicians - pig iron Bob was the last with some of that.
6 O'Clock closing and shooting bumpers. Clothesline prop man and the rabbito. The crankhandle and greasegun.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Party telephone lines, milk delivered in billies, ice man, still warm bread loaves delivered by horse drawn carts and two favourites, no plastic bags, brown paper bags and wrapping, and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper and I still reckon they tasted better!
The Rabbito, long drop dunny, potatoes and sugar in hessian bags, open air pictures on Friday night, monkeys in cages inside theatre, goat cart, milk in a billy scooped by milko from 10 gallon cans on horse drawn wagon, the clothes prop man. Best of all would have to be parents retuning home after war.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Pop guns that fired corks,wood fired stoves,ink wells with pen and nibs,three wheeler bikes,the yard stick on my bum Sucking a chalk stick when the teacher was mad at me.
I received this from a friend today and maybe sums it up:
I remember the corned beef of my childhood
And the bread that we cut with a knife
When the children helped with the housework
And the men went to work not the wife.
The cheese never needed cold storage
And the bread was so crusty and hot
The children were seldom unhappy
And the wife was content with her lot.
I remember the milk from the bottle
With the yummy cream on the top
Our dinner came hot from the oven
And not from a freezer or shop.
The kids were a lot more contented
They didn't need money for kicks
Just a game with their friends in the road way
And sometimes the Saturday flicks.
Do you think that bruised our ego?
Or our initiative was destroyed?
We ate what was put on the table
And I think life was better enjoyed.
A diesel Nissan Pathfinder towing a Coromal Element 542.
Chip heater for hot water, " Flat as a **** carters Hat" , town water that muddy it scratched your bum in the bottom of bath, tin bath that took three days to dry after repaint. My Dad brought home ice in a spud bag, hanging over his shoulder while peddling push bike. Milkie waters down milk to get to end of round. could go on, great memories from all above. cheers Craig