Well.....today....I go for a walk up to the bins (I'm always way off in the bush where I can be) - so, I've got at 200m walk each way, that ive done 3 times in my 24 hours. I go to the bin I used last night and HORROR of all horrors - there is human (well I don't think think it was a doggy bag) excreta, in a fruit bag, on TOP of the bin!! There's a hole in the bag, and the flies are running amok. What sort of person is so lazy that they can't even lift the lid up on the bin? Are these people doing it on purpose or what? Or are they that uneducated that they think it's acceptable to dump that like that? We need to educate or refuse entry or something. I don't know. Or if we have to endure it....the councils or whoever cleans up, need to do it on a regular basis.
I think they've got to be doing it on purpose. I think authorites need to act. Before we know it we'll be back to the typhoid days.
It's not uncommon for free campers to dispose of their "waste" in this manner although normally they lift the lid - I personally know of 2 that do it and the explanation is "well, if it's OK to put your dog crap in the waste then why not human"....that's the justification. The bins down at Texas where hundreds free-camp sometimes smell like an outhouse. I agree it's pretty disgusting.
It's not so much the 'putting it in the bin'....because those seats etc have to be gathered somewhere. I'm not sure burying it is the answer either when no one can even get off the road that far now (lockouts everywhere). And.....if nappies go in bins...then there can't be that much of a problem with bin disposal - but not even ensuring it's contained and it's chucked haphazardly ON a bin? That other people have to come and use......I'm actually surprised they even did that to be honest.
Maybe it's time for councils to really look in to toilets etc. I think there is one here actually, but I think I read it's locked and out of order. I saw a car load of people yesterday while I was still driving - with half of them squatting behind trees. I've been to parts of Europe where they think nothing of disposing of effluent in public - you see and smell it often.
So I was thinking overnight (I do my best thinking when I should be sleeping) what about porta potty hire? So I googled to see if such a thing is available and you can buy those loos for $70 bucks!! So I wonder why they don't do that? Is it just due to them not realising the sheer distances without facilities? Maybe there needs to be education on that. I did this when I was young, my van those days had no toilet. I really don't recall what I did....but I can assure you it's never been taken care of on the ground. I stayed in caravan parks a lot more those days....so maybe they were more affordable then? Maybe that needs looking into? Maybe I just knew the distances etc and anyone visiting here might not appreciate that. I have met people over time that have been planning to 'drive to Broome for the weekend' - thus obviously not having a clear insight to the actual distance and remoteness.
I don't know.....but it sure is horrific. I was geocaching the other day and two had used that bush as a loo. I was actually thankful for the toilet paper as it served as a 'white' flag to watch where I was putting my feet.
What do truckies do? Often there's 200klm with nothing - that's roughly two hours - a long time to hold on. I saw an outback truckers actually where the driver and his wife picked up a bait and got sick so had to keep stopping. They obviously weren't at toilets. So it's not always visitors. My ex husband was (is) one, I never recall him using the bush either.
I think you're right Santa. It's not surprising that they lack that training. I witnessed a bloke pull up in the sandstone truck bay and let his kid out for a crap. He just drove off and left it. Truckies use that walking track to get into town. So a four year old kid that's never been told it's not acceptable to poo like a dog will never know. Nor will she be able to teach her kids. So.....twenty years down the track......they'll all be doing it......and we'll have typhoid epidemics again.
Oh no!!!! How horrific AK.
HAHA - brings to mind this funny story.....I was in Bali once and this funny welsh guy was there with us.....he was relating his story (with his hilarious accent) of his night out, and how it'd been so huge, the police had bought him back to our hotel. Prior to coming up to his room he decided to go for a swim to shake off his hangover.....he reckoned he dived down......only to find a chokito on the bottom of the pool......he reached out thinking what a bonus it was.....and something just pulled him up right at the last minute.
I still am laughing so hard, all these years later, recalling his hilarious story telling. He was deadly serious though.
Friend went walking at a lookout, where there was a toilet - just 10ft away from the loo, she found the most perfect piece of excrement on the ground, right in the middle of the track where people walked - now how lazy is that!!!!
A photo was taken of course, but I can't find it at the moment.
-- Edited by jules47 on Sunday 15th of January 2017 12:01:33 PM
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Sadly it happens a lot. What once were great places to stop on the Stuart Hwy are now wind swept with used toilet paper. The Berkeley Hwy is worse. Its not just back packers either!
My take, for what its worth, is that as access to remote areas has improved, the percentage of ferals in remote areas has increased. There are simply way more people out & about on the roads these days.
My daughter lives in a house on one of our blocks and the driveway comes up a steep hill to the house and some dirty individuals had actually driven off the main road - dumped their rubbish and left their 'calling card' as well. How low is this to actually do it in someones driveway!!! It is bad enough out in the bush but this!!!
You would be surprised how some people live . Been one of the first to go to houses for demolishing . I often check inside . To find the odd house over the years with no toilet . The bowl had broken and just using the pipe or hole in ground !! This is northern areas of Sydney . One not far away from North Ryde RSL on Macdella Rd ..
We worked in a park once where off-power campers (only happened in one time-period, owners went troppo when informed) would use bin liners in buckets as dunnies, then deposit the bags in/on the wheelie bins (which we emptied) when they left. Some people are just lazy grubs. But most are good..........
Grubbygypsy wrote:
Well.....today....I go for a walk up to the bins (I'm always way off in the bush where I can be) - so, I've got at 200m walk each way, that ive done 3 times in my 24 hours. I go to the bin I used last night and HORROR of all horrors - there is human (well I don't think think it was a doggy bag) excreta, in a fruit bag, on TOP of the bin!! There's a hole in the bag, and the flies are running amok. What sort of person is so lazy that they can't even lift the lid up on the bin? Are these people doing it on purpose or what? Or are they that uneducated that they think it's acceptable to dump that like that? We need to educate or refuse entry or something. I don't know. Or if we have to endure it....the councils or whoever cleans up, need to do it on a regular basis.
I think they've got to be doing it on purpose. I think authorites need to act. Before we know it we'll be back to the typhoid days.
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.
It's these instances that make me think they are doing it on purpose!! (Whoever it may be)
Oh the other thing I learnt recently....another time I was geocaching, there was a (quite obviously human) poo on this nice limestone seat at a lookout - but it was smeared everywhere as well......I couldn't work it all out.....then I was chatting to some guys in a remote country town in WA that work for the council....and apparently there is some sectors of our communities that actually wipe along like a dog to 'clean up'. Geeez......it's bizarre getting to my age and only learning this stuff now lol.