Hi Macka, I'm happy with my paddles but I'll pass your information on. It's a Great Sport and that's for sure. A wonderful way to waste time cruising up and down this Glorious Coastline. :)
Tell me how to post a pickie on here.
and you'll get one of me in all my glory in my long leg jocks. OK.
Striped.(All 113.15 kg's this morn. Down from max of 118.5
last yr.)
Belly 'angin' out the frunt. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, Helegent.
and a nice pr of titties up top..
I still go up the stairs 10 times every coupla days. 10 up. 10 down.
Keeps knees and hips flexing.
Queen Lizzie hospital in Adel has 9 floors
When I was running. I used to go up\down, Running, sort of. three times every third day
as part of training. up to 70 miles a week.
We used to leave cars at start of runs and turn and run back to them
40 yrs I never ran over a Marathon finish line.
My favourite was the "Kaiser Stuhl" North of Adelaide.
That was a cracker. All up and downs. One lap for half. 2 laps for full 42k's.
Most days (when the temperature isn't heading up into the high 30's at 5 a.m.) I run 3 or so km, do some push-ups and planks. He walks that distance (arthritis), and does kettlebells. When we are sitting in a town, we also walk 3+ km with the dogs.
I have been up & down with weight (within a 3kg range), but am working hard to stay where I am now (low 50's).
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.
I have to admit, when I lost the weight I put on back in Tassie (I was miserable, and ate my emotions), I felt a lot better. My overall health has improved, although there are still things I have to avoid eating/drinking. However, some things you just can't avoid - woke up yesterday with a roaring kidney pain (one of my health issues is kidneys). Hit the water & cranberry juice, slept on and off all day, and back to 90% this morning. If I was carrying extra padding, it would havebeen antiobiotics all the way.
The Mobile Madhouse: me (Rosie), him (Troy), a kelpie, a kelpie-dingo, a husky & a rainbow lorikeet.