Have just come across this post regarding CBA. I absolutely believe this is not a scam, this is incompetence on behalf of CBA. Won't go into it here but the past two years of dealing with CBA's errors has been a nightmare for us. When relaying our story most people can't believe their stupidity and stuff ups. I have had the bank manager hand deliver flowers to my house and make a small cash offer to try to compensate their monumental error. So Jim's post doesn't surprise me in the slightest, reeks of yet another CBA error.
When the BSB No (would start with 06 or 76 if it was really a CBA a/c) & account No clearly don't belong to CBA how/why would CBA report it to the ATO.
When the BSB No (would start with 06 or 76 if it was really a CBA a/c) & account No clearly don't belong to CBA how/why would CBA report it to the ATO.
Hi Bill B , D Maxer & Brickies,
Bill, I only put the xx...... up as an example. Sorry if that got you off on the wrong foot.
Would you like me to up load the entire letter including My wife's TFN, Our Accountants Details, Plus the Reference number. Not happening.
That is why my wife wants answers from the ATO as to How /Who dose the computer matching.
Here is the ATO's Email address the ATO gave out to us : datamatchingteam@ato.gov.au If you want more info send them an email yourself and see what you can get out of them. They may reply in 1 month, 2 months,3 months, or more. They may make your day.
Cheers Jim
-- Edited by Hey Jim on Sunday 15th of January 2017 03:35:31 PM
When the BSB No (would start with 06 or 76 if it was really a CBA a/c) & account No clearly don't belong to CBA how/why would CBA report it to the ATO.
How and why? That's a very good question when it comes to CBA. I've since moved as much as I can to another bank and with the account I still hold at CBA I check every transaction on a weekly basis. After the experience I had with them I am very wary of any dealings with them now.
Jim, I would definitely be pursuing this with CBA. It's only by people complaining strongly that anything gets done in that bank. They are messing around with people's lives. Last year, despite us giving CBA the correct BSB and A/C to put the proceeds of a house sale into they put it into the wrong account with dire consequences. Had to fight tooth and nail with them to get them to fix their own error. All they did was play "pass the buck" game and no-one there would take responsibility for their actions without a lot of complaint. They've obviously got your wife's details from somewhere (perhaps years ago she held an account there) and they've mixed up customers. I would insist on a written apology at the very least. Hope it all goes well for you.