OK we came to Carnarvon for a couple of nights in March 1999 and haven't moved. It's a long story, cracked a job at Dampier Salt etc, etc, etc. Now getting back to my question, what is the big advantage of a Dish Antenna? We currently get about 20 TV stations, and about 5 Radios on our $99 Dick Smith antenna. What would we get with a dish? Is it worth the cost and trouble? I wait with baited technic colour breath.
we have Foxtel with use and of course gain our viewing through the use of a Satellite dish.
Great entertainment for those outback places. Mainly need Foxtel for my beloved sports Golf Cricket Football racing etc etc. All other stations appears to be repeats or reality shows.
We are thinking of going with netflex when we get home. I do not know if we can take that on the road. But will follow up some time in February.
But if you want TV style entertainment then a dish is the way to go.
Satelite is for more remote areas. Where TV antenna's don';t cut it. Basically.
You getting 20 stations of rubbish now. Why want more. Maybe get better antenna? If you that keen.
If you really want Sat. Go on net read the forums.
Buy parts individually. There's plenty of instruction on how to.
Will save alt least several hundred. and give same picture.
Plus pleasure of knowing .YOU did it.
Go Netflix. they have widest range for minimal cost. And as long as you have internet and a smart TV you've got it made. Unless you going on road again. What you got is fine.
Foxtel We tried. Twice. Both times, dumped it. Same as. Same as. Over and over. And to get what you really want. usually means 3 contracts, Monthly.
Only thing we watch on TV nowadays is the news (madam) Footy (NRL and Union) In season and I watch the fishermen in Nth Sea Which I did as a kid. but we were open decked not enclosed.
Plus Tom Sellick.
Apart from that. Download movies from net. and Netflix does us. With a coupla decks of cards.
Madam has POGO games on Tablet and PC To keep her brain active.
Me. I look after garden and Pool. Plus empty dish washer. and clean the cars.
Till the next trip. Then I'll clean Car\caravan and go fishin' instead.
TV is that minimal in real content of any entertainment nowadays. It's not worthy the air space. Complete garbage mainly, even for an old fart like me.
-- Edited by macka17 on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 11:12:24 AM
-- Edited by macka17 on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 11:15:10 AM