If like a growing number of buyers, you don't want a ute rear end but love the idea of the unbreakable Toyota heritage, go with the Fortuner.
The exact same vehicle but a wagon body and coil sprung instead of leaf. A more comfortable ride, a more stable tow, but slightly less towing capacity at 3,000 (man) 2,800 (auto).
Most makers have gone down the wagon'ising' route because there is a huge market of folks who want serious off-road and towing capabilities but who loath the idea of a ute.
I guess all of those vehicles would probably make good tow vehicles providing that you kept them within their actual capability, which in some cases will vary from what the manufacturer or sales people claim it to be. To be honest in terms of performance I have found that the Sport is approaching it's limit pulling 2.6T even though it's rated at 3.1T.
Funny about the Hi-lux knockers, considering The Toyota Hi-lux just won the most popular vehicle in Aust for 2016. The first time a non-family type has won it. Usually its Holdens and Fords most of the time. OK I'm ready!
Commercial and large reductions for businesses give large sales.
They've always been the most gutless worse handling Uncomfortable of all utes for yrs.
Look at reviews from DRIVERS. Not paid magazine writers
This latest engine is the first one they've ever made that comes anywhere near a few of the others
and they still around 5th on the list.
The prime reason they've had "Unbreakable" in their advertising for decades. IS.
If you were to check on it in comparisons.
They are that low geared and the most UNDER powered on the market.
among ALL the utes.
You couldn't break them if you tried. they don't do anything.
Apart from Pistons. C.V's. front susp and a few other things.
And apart from a coupla chinese ones. plus that Mahindra (Indian) ute.
Isuzu build the most reliable. and power for dollar eng\transm on market.
IF they were to ever open a car mfg quality plant as the other utes have done.
Instead of building in truck, commercial prod lines.
There's probably be nothing else sold on market.
That 3.9ltr diesel they installed in all Military Landrovers and small trucks till block moulds wore out.
Was "probably".. The best small diesel Commercial engine EVER produced.
The later 3 ltr is a modern derivative suited more to later,
but NOT the latest markets.
Not fancy. not fast.
but take you pretty much anywhere.
And get you back 99.8% of the times.
And will tow anything in rings round a STANDARD Toyota ute.
John when we were kids we used to put a stick in a bull ant nest just to watch them all come racing out - there are topics on this forum you know as soon as they are posted that they are going to have the same effect. I remember we had to be careful with ants every now and then one would sneak through your guard and latch onto to you....hurt like hell. I guess we were silly enough to keep doing it because when someone got hit all their cursing and jumping around provided good entertainment for the others.
-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Sunday 8th of January 2017 10:02:49 AM
I personally have no opinion on the latest Toyota Hilux ute but I was rather surprised to read recently in the DRIVE segment of the Melbourne Age that it was classified as a MISS in a HITS & MISSES OF 2016 article.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
I didn't say they good or bad .. The P75 and Valiant Charger won car of the year too . Holden out sold a lot of other many over the years . But there was a long period they didn't make any profits ? The SUV type vehicle suites the whole family more than just t a car for Mum or larger for Dad . It sort of ties all the goods in "one" . All compromises are acceptable to most . Up north out back a sedan is rare these days .. Btw they are hardly a budget buy either ! It's also the larger Patrol , Cruiser is so expensive ! These lighter vehicles are being up graded to tow vans . The older first generation would hardly be considered ! Sheesh auto correct !! Pita !!
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Sunday 8th of January 2017 01:11:25 PM
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Sunday 8th of January 2017 01:13:04 PM