Hi all well thankyou Mr Turnball spent 50 plus years busting a gut bringing up kids working 55 to 70 hours a week super comes in so put a little extra in to have a decent retirement cruising this great country in the van ,and what do our pollies do is shaft us ,we are far from rich have a nice car and van and few bob in the bank and not a lot of super but still get stiffed maybe become a lay about waste all our money and we will be better off,can`t wait for election time maybe time we all made them take notice,as I`m sure there very nice super is ok .Any way that's my 2 bobs worth not that anyone takes too much notice,mike g
Oh dear, here we go again, we really are exceptionally well looked after in OZ, sadly we some of us seem to regard cash handouts as a right, the sense of entitlement has never been greater and is simply not sustainable in the long term, something has to change.
As PhilC predicted, this thread is destined for an early demise.
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