Its hard to decide where to put a topic at times, but since I am not asking technical questions--- at this stage, I am just after opinions. We intend, if we ever get going to be full time on the road. Our van has 300w of solar panels, and 2 x 120 AH calcium batteries. Our ute has a DC-DC controller that also has a 20A solar regulator built in, this charges a 80AH (will have to check that) auxillary battery.
Our fridge is a 12v compressor type, and all systems on the van, except the air con and microwave are 12v. I can connect the ute aux battery to the van to give added power when required.
I am thinking I need more solar power (in the winter), our plans are to go when we go, and stop as long as we can stop. So I have three ways to do this, add several small panels to the roof of the van, there is all ready plenty of clutter up on the roof, but I thing I can manage a 100-130 watts up there feeding through the system controller. The plus here is no setting up on arrival, security, shading the roof. The minus being if parked in a shaded spot, extra weight in the van instead of the ute.
The ute will have a canopy on it and I can mount solar panel/s on the roof of the canopy. This will only charge the auxilary battery, but when connected to the van will supplement power and enable the house batteries to be charged with out load. Advantages:- security, can move the ute into the sun, weight on the ute instead of the van. Disadvantage, when we unhitch and leave the van, the aux battery will be charged by the vehicle charging system, the solar will be redundant.
Or fit Anderson plugs to the ute and van, and have the solar panel loose on the ground, advantages, I can angle the panel and change the panel direction to get best charge in the winter, can move the panel into the sun if parked in a shady spot, Panel will be stored in the ute canopy, weight in the ute. The panel can be used to charge either van house batteries of ute aux battery.
Disadvantage:- setting up, security - a chance it will be stolen.
The question is, what do you do, PS I'm not buying a generator!, are your portable panels used or in reality the convenience of fixed panels on the roof the way to go? (bearing in mind we are near our maximum weight)
-- Edited by iana on Wednesday 28th of December 2016 05:39:10 PM
Our fridge is an inverter type, and all systems on the van, except the air con and microwave are 12v.
That does not quite make sense to me.....but.....
I suggest you add as much solar as you can fit to both the tug and the van and change the batteries to AGMs (or Li if you can afford them) when the existing ones get tired.
Whatever you mount, Panel wise. make sure the output is more than capacity of battery's, so you can have charged
fully by lunch on a normal day.
To cover the not so clement ones.
More covering van roof. more heat reflection, cooler interior.
Normally. unless mounting panels on angle slides on the bars.
The ute\car roof is restricted to anything but panels.
Mount on slides UNDERNEATH the bars. you can carry normal loads ON bars.
Then slide out panels for usage when stopped.
While just having panels on canopy top to work all the time.
OR Visa-Versa.
Personally. I wouldn't go without a genny if travelling all yr.
It's too useful. for much more than just charging your battery's,running AIr Cond etc.
There's a lot more than just me think the same way too.
Wet cells, plus their costing are fine. If you mounting them outside.
AGM if mounting inside. Just for fumes alone.
People use both, mainly depending on their back pockets.
Both do the job well.
I tried 2 x portable panels yrs ago.
Soo clumsy. Too heavy if any size.
and take up too much room when folded inside while travelling.
Some do persevere.But that's what I reckon it is.... Persevering.
The one genny guarantees Air Cond. Microwave.elect oven etc.
Anywhere for missus
need for less panels. and covers lots of tools you can use anywhere too.
For both yourself and others
Stay in the sun, and carry as much panels as you can fit.
along with a little prayer.
Hi Iana,
We have 3x130 watt solar panels on the roof of the van and 3 x 120 amp AGMs. This supplied all our needs without needing the generator. This supplies power for compressor fridge freezer, pumps, Tv and washing m/c etc. and usually the batteries are charged up by midday.
But and the big but is that we mostly travel to where the sun is. Going north WA in the winter and south in the summer. I dont park under trees I have seen too many branches fall!
We have portable solar panels which up to now is only used for keeping the dual batter charged running a Waeco fridge in the tug when campered. It could be used to assist the van house batteries but havent needed it yet.
So you obviously need the sun shinning and a good solar charging circuit and quality AGM or lithium batteries. i would think 3 good quality 120 amp AGMs is a minimum plus 400 to 500 watts of solar should be enough providing the sun is shinning most days. I also think it is important not to let the batteries drop below 50% charge. I guess ( but no experience) Lithium batteries are best to date if you can justify them.
I have seen just released about 3 weeks ago a new solar panel out of Korea. It has about double the capacity using a double layer type of cell. WA Solar Supplies Osbourne Park have them, may be a new option especially if installing from new together with Lithium batteries if you can justify the total outlay althought the price of the new panels is not overly expensive from what I have been told considering their output.
Well thats my thoughts for what its worth hope it helps.
Has anyone thought of adding a small wind turbine.?
I had someone camped near me in their aluminium tent only a few weeks back with solar and a little wind turbine on top of his van. When I asked about it I was told not worth it as not enough power produced by the turbine. I think they were a GN but Uncle Al has prevented me remembering, sorry, he is really starting to annoy me.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Just some info from how I am going solar wise. I have just been set up without any 240v power (well some via a 300w Inverter, keep reading) for 3 months non stop with full batteries each night, even when weather has been bad. I have 450w solar panels on the roof of the den and 2x110ah batteries, I have a 3 way fridge running on gas though for that 3 months. I also have, if needed, a 120w panel I can use on the gound and follow the sun during the day but didn't need it in that 3 months.
I have to charge my Laptop and WiFi devise by 240v so do that via a 300w Inverter that uses battery power up, so only charge those items about midday when solar panels are at their best. I also have a 1500w Inverter, just incase but it hasn't seen the light of day since I tested 18 months ago.
Not sure if any of that is of any help but thought I would just chuck it in the mix.
Keep Safe on the roads and out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Gee "Chief of Cheer" I hope 2017 is good for both of us, it would be my wish to meet you out there some where, but we are (I am) very slow off the starting block, with house prices the way they are. We are now down to one car (ute) and no boat. The house is repaired and painted inside. A few jobs left too do, and it will be on the market. I have a host of jobs left to do on the van, heater install, tidy up electrics and plumbing. The cab to be mounted on the ute and install shelving. Our last remaining pet, the cat has gone blind, so we can't take her with us, but she is determined not to kick the bucket, but when she does it will free us up some more. Sounds a bit morbid doesn't it. My post was more just to find out what others are doing out there, so many are just "week enders ", which would be a totally different ball game to being permanently on the road.
Your set up sounds similar to mine, except for the fridge, ours is totally 12v no gas. But I can plug in my generator (the ute idling away) if things get critical. It sounds to me so far, that setting up portable panel is w--k, and am wondering when free camping that portable panels will just be a liability. In effect I have wasted money installing a DC-DC charger in the ute with solar input. Based on what was discussed on an earlier thread, it looks as though I can fit another 150w panel to the van through the existing 30A controller. This will bring my solar on the van roof to 450w. I have checked the roof for space and that's OK.
We also have the computer, I-pad, phones and TV's that consume power. Lithium batteries may be a little way off just yet.
Have a happy New Year, and all the best for the future.
Are those "new" panels the double sided ones. IE on both sides.
They have been tried. Same as reflective ones
I'm waiting to see the eventualities of the "cone" panels for houses.
1 mtr radius round.
Have (possibly) great eventualities if they can get them right.
Basically 1 kw for every sq mtr roof space with suitable spacing for shadows t'ween.
Will be perfect for my pool supply and heaters.
With wind Genny's.
We used on yachts for decades.
I have one with around 350hrs on it in garden shed.
The only ones any good were the US ones.
that you could hear three paddocks away
when a decent wind was blowing to give any output..
The whole Marina whistled with half a doz working.
and soo much stress on mounts.
Also needed a min of around 8 to 10 kots to kick in
with max output needing around 32/35 knots true wind.
Fine at sea.
Not on land realistically.
Has to be mounted above everything to get true wind. Solid mount.
and blades are near 4 foot across when not using with fairly large\long body to generator.
OH. around 20\25 kg's too.
Coupla mates have them on shacks on headland. fine.
Plenty of wind. but keep you awake at night if breezy. if you don't apply the brake to hub.
Dougwe, Just read your comments regarding charging your computer and WiFi through your inverter, as you have a very similar set up as ours regarding Wattage, i was wondering why you don't just charge directly from 12v as we do ! never had any problems so far. (touch wood) Pomme.
-- Edited by pomme on Thursday 29th of December 2016 02:17:51 PM
G'day Pomme, I used to charge them via 12v as you mention but had to get a new laptop about 5 months ago and can't find the right fitting to charge with so that's why the Inverter. I only just today got a different cable for the WiFi device and will be charging that via 12v from now on.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Gone from Greens as it closes 30/12-1/1. The humidity is a killer as we speek though with rain that looked like a waterfall coming off the end of the awning, filled a 30lt basin in 30 seconds, could have filled many basins.
Sorry to go off topic there a little, Ian. Blame KFC, the king of 'off topics' :))
Back on topic.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Hi Iana, I'll try to bring this back on track for you....
I'm running similar equipment to you except I don't have an extra Aux Battery with the vehicle battery being tottaly isolated from the house battery.
We did the full lap in 2014 - 2015, at the end of that trip it was obvious that 330 watts of panels (160 + 170) wasn't enough to fully charge our then 2 x 130 Amp hour batteries during the winter months. We've since added an extra 200 Watt panel, upgraded the solar controller to a 30 Amps and replaced the 2 batteries with a single 260 Amp Hour. So now with 530 Watts of solar on a cloud free day our battery is up to float charge by 10.00 Am and on a couldy day by around 2.00 Pm.
We have noticed however that with 2 to 3 days of constant rain, the battery requires a top up charge with the 20 Amp charger for a few hours and when free camping this is when a generator comes in handy. For us it's more ecconomical to run the genny for a couple of hours than to run the engine on the motor home, (although the motor home sound is sweeter).
-- Edited by madaboutled on Friday 30th of December 2016 07:37:53 AM
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
Thanks "madaboutled ", I realise that the solar power we have is not enough to sustain us during those bad days in winter. After reading replies to this thread, I concluded that installing an extra fixed panel on the roof of the van is the logical way to go, until I had a look at the roof and the problems of installation.
It looks like now I am back to a portable panel and a separate solar regulator. as per Dougwe's reply in another thread in the Techies section. I have to be careful and am trying to keep my comments in this section general, as there is nothing worse than being sent to the naughty room and made to stand in the corner.