The former Wham! frontman died peacefully at his home in Oxfordshire, England, on Christmas Day.
"It is with great sadness that we can confirm our beloved son, brother and friend George passed away peacefully at home over the Christmas period," his publicist said in a statement.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
So sad, so young. Just saw on FB a clip from a tribute to Freddy concert, featuring George - fantastic - there could only ever be one Freddy - but George Michael did a good job! RIP
Thanks KJ!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
the latest news clip is supposed to be from his Manager saying he died of a heart attack - maybe.......but who cares, he had talent. He, and Freddy Mercury had real singing talent and probably died from the same thing. If it was AIDS, that's somewhat surprising, as if he had been taking retro-viral drugs in the HIV stage, he would die of old age, most likely
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
DD - I believe the report we read said he had AIDS - he had come out as a homosexual, so most likely true.
Speaking of AIDS as a gay disease is just so ignorant. He was just a human being like so many others who have gone before their time. How about acknowledging the talent and the number of times he lifted people's spirits with his music.
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
Personally I was never a fan of George Michael's music nor was I ever that interested in what he did in his private life. Many people obviously where and probably more so those who grew up with him during that Wham era. The press release from those closest to him said that he died of heart failure does it really matter whether that's the whole story or not the fact is that he has passed away so RIP George Michael.
There was no malice or put down in my post re what George Michael died from. His heart stopped beating - but hey he was only 53 - there is usually an underlying cause for the heart to stop beating - my mum died from the effects of Alzheimers - her heart stopped beating because her brain couldn't tell it to work anymore, or she stopped knowing how to breathe - people who die from heart attacks have an underlying cause for it - high cholesterol, hardened arteries, heart disease, blockages etc. The heart can only take so much, it is a strong organ, but sometimes it just can't cope.
I wasn't a fan of Wham - but watched the clip of George at the Freddy Mercury Tribute Concert - he did an amazing job - He strutted the stage like Freddy used to - if I had known him singing like that, I would have been a fan - no matter what his sexuality was. I am a huge fan of Queen and Freddy -their music - to me Freddy was a king - his homosexuality gave him the pazzaz that made him AND Queen so good spectacular!
I am a very open minded person who has all manners of sexuality in my family and friend base - and love them all equally - so I am not a person who would put someone down for the way they were born.
Indeed - RIP George Michael - what party it will be when they all get together - Freddy, George, Jimi, Janice, Jim, Amy, John, George H, Michael H,
Elvis, Michael J, and so many more - and Diana would be right up there with them partying!!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Hey Jules. I hope you and the hairy one had a great Christmas !!
I don't think any reasonably minded person would take offense with anything you have ever said (here, anyway lol) and certainly your comments in this thread are not offensive.
But for those who think that HIV/AIDS is a "gay", queer or homosexual disease, I suggest you do a little homework with Dr Google. You will find more hetrosexual people (and not just in 3rd world countries) are infected than those in the gay community. Perhaps those of you who think this way are showing your prejudices too much !!
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
A very sad loss indeed. I was not a Wham fan but George solo was one of the greatest entertainers of all time. I'm sure cause of death will be publicised after the autopsy. Speaking of AIDS, it certainly is not restricted to friendly boys !!! People have been infected by blood transfusions, the blood containing the HIV virus. If you are interested in that subject, do what Bruce and Bev suggest, look at Google
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
But for those who think that HIV/AIDS is a "gay", queer or homosexual disease, I suggest you do a little homework with Dr Google.
Yes, suggesting he likely died of AIDS as he had come out as homosexual is well into the area where people need to find out a lot more about the disease and how it is transmitted. HIV and AIDS was over-represented in the gay community in the early days and the prevalence of the disease led to many instances of prejudice and discrimination. Any one remember little Eve from NZ?
So happy that the majority of tributes to GM have focused on the good and generous nature of a deeply troubled man.
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
Hey Jules. I hope you and the hairy one had a great Christmas !!
I don't think any reasonably minded person would take offense with anything you have ever said (here, anyway lol) and certainly your comments in this thread are not offensive.
But for those who think that HIV/AIDS is a "gay", queer or homosexual disease, I suggest you do a little homework with Dr Google. You will find more hetrosexual people (and not just in 3rd world countries) are infected than those in the gay community. Perhaps those of you who think this way are showing your prejudices too much !!
Thanks B&B - hope you had a good Chrissy day and are going to have a brilliant 2017!!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I'll echo your post B&B. And go a little further.
George Michael secretly donated millions of pounds to a cause benefitting children. Google this
Most people have a part of their past that is unacceptable. A poem I wrote-
The cupboard
They ponder they do
Some we don't know who
For it in their own head they ask
How could those guilty hide so many skeletons in their cupboard?
They check their own wardrobe
Its bare, they sigh with relief
While they dont ask they do not know
As they get dressed for another day
Put clothes over their own skeleton they carry with them
.....all the damn time...
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...