Well they parked one on the free way near my place and well it must be a sight that no one has ever seen before as I had reason to jump on a go up past it well
the traffic was backed up forever till you got to the shiny thing everybody was doing 60km till they passed it then back up to 100km so I guess it works!!!!
Traveling it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.
I'm in favour of these trailer mounted speed cameras especially if they are use in roadwork zones, all workers have the right to expect to return home after a day at work, they are not employed to be run down by drivers who refuse to obey the road rules.\
wish someone could be held accountable for the signs in road work areas a lot left behind an original limit signs not covered
I don't understand why cars are not fitted with a device that would send a detailed report of speed data in restricted zones directly to the authorities. The military have such devices so why not incorporate into a car. I would support this as I know I have never received a speeding ticket and have deserved one at least once a week. Anyone that says they have never pushed the limit needs to rethink their driving techniques and give a thought to the road toll, you may be on the list next year and plead ignorance at the Pearly Gates!
because. Mr Link, nothing in data-land is completely trust-worthy.
Every system can be bypassed. Only the honest would get pinged, the really bad folks would evade, as usual.
'Tis not the season to be speeding, yet more than 3200 Queensland motorists have been caught doing exactly that on day one of a road safety campaign.
The naughtiest was fined $1138 for doing 191 km/h in a 110 zone on the Pacific Motorway at Gaven, while an unlicensed motorcyclist was fined $1664 for riding at 142 km/h "to avoid the rain" at Tanah Merah.
As much as it is a pain in the butt to slow down for road works, it needs to be adhered to. In the Keith SA cemetery are interred two highway workers who I knew personally. They were hit behind the barrier on the main highway by a person doing well over the 25 km per hour speed limit and killed instantly. So when I get to roadworks where it is speed limited I always remember these two men and observe the limit. And frankly I get quite peed off when I see others racing through. Read the paper every week and you see some driver pleading for mercy after their irresponsible driving killed some innocent person. So as much as I don't like paying speeding fines, I would hate it much more if I killed someone else's loved one by being irresponsible. Cheers Daz
I don't understand why cars are not fitted with a device that would send a detailed report of speed data in restricted zones directly to the authorities. The military have such devices so why not incorporate into a car. I would support this as I know I have never received a speeding ticket and have deserved one at least once a week. Anyone that says they have never pushed the limit needs to rethink their driving techniques and give a thought to the road toll, you may be on the list next year and plead ignorance at the Pearly Gates!
10-15 years from now when the majority of cars are driverless what are they going to do for revenue
speed control already happens in industries that use forklifts, out in the yard one speed, enter sheds an forks automatically become speed limited not to save people but to reduce damage to the pallet racks an/ or conveyors
a lot of commercial vehicles are tracked an monitored by gps
10-15 years from now when the majority of cars are driverless what are they going to do for revenue
speed control already happens in industries that use forklifts, out in the yard one speed, enter sheds an forks automatically become speed limited not to save people but to reduce damage to the pallet racks an/ or conveyors
a lot of commercial vehicles are tracked an monitored by gps
Yep, the way of the future, Big Brother will be watching every driving move you make.
I also agree that the speed camera as a tool is not terribly effective, and as a "moment in time" unit, often catches individuals in a momentary lapse, not necessarily those who speed habitually. And don't anyone here tell me they have NEVER just drifted over the limit when accelerating away from traffic lights, or going down hill or some other slight deviation. One of the 3 biggest revenue raiser fixed cameras in SA is on a hill section on Montague Road where it is easy to drift a 3 or 4 kilometres over the limit coming down hill away from the traffic lights at the intersection just before them!
That said, my real bone with the fixed camera (euphemistically called a "Safety Camera" in SA), is that the penalty is applied and found out about 3 to 4 weeks later, and serves as no useful deterrent to the action at the time. Try punishing a child or dog that long after the offence and see if it is effective. The penalty must be immediate to slow the culprit, otherwise the effect is almost totally lost in the "revenue raising angst" they feel on opening the letter!
The use of officers, with speed guns, booking the individual immediately, would be more beneficial as a deterrent, but very limited as revenue raiser, as to meet the levels the fixed camera can generate, they would have to have all officers on speed duty, every day, all day. No government can allow this to happen, as with Poker Machine taxes, they are addicted to the income, and find any reduction in road toll just an added benefit and a reasonable excuse to increase the number and type of cameras.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done