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Post Info TOPIC: New Qld Speed Cameras

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New Qld Speed Cameras

Qld police will be rolling out new speed cameras. These will be placed in road work areas, school zones and other areas. Full story here


-- Edited by CC Bear on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 04:50:41 PM


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Just another revenue raising idea from Patch-a-chook. no


Cheers, Richard (Dick0)

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Agree if they want to stop the carnage put all the maked cars out patroling anhire more patrol police.


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how goes that saying about "expecting a different outcome yet doing the same thing over and over"?
Why don't the authorities change tack on the road toll?



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Absolutely agree.

Just do the same thing and expect a different outcome.


Didn't work before won't work now.


I agree with CC Bear Highly Visible Police cars on the roads. I also think like speed cameras, the mobile units should just send out tickets in the mail. having to spend ages writing tickets at the side of the road takes too much time. But look at other factors not just revenue raising.

There is also the thought that there is also lots of other factors that contribute to havoc on the roads and High Visibility patrols do help. 






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Yes, Australian Traffic Police are not the smartest cookies around. Not sure of the exact numbers but in West Aust something like70% of deaths are in the country, and 70% of speed cameras are in the city. Go to any Kindergarten and ask any kid how they would do it. At least the speed cameras pay for the Police Commissioners Xmas parties.



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I know it can be difficult to travel at or below the speed limit at all times with all the distractions on the roads but if you don't speed they don't get no revenue

one thing that might make a difference would be automatic suspension on the spot for mobile phone use

the hi vis patrols are useful but dam hard to see when they are hiding in the bushes why they hide has me beat they have fixed cameras with three big sign telling people they are there a they still do a roaring business



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Good at raising revenue but not very effective at lowering the road toll. I remember they rolled out more speed cameras in time for Xmas last year. Did they do any good?




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Dick0 wrote:

Just another revenue raising idea from Patch-a-chook. no

 Their was an article in one of the daily news papers a week or two ago, stating that the number of speeding tickets issued in Qld was down on previous years.  Revenue  down, so out come the new "flash for cash" cameras.


How do they relate the number of deaths to speed when  speeding tickets are down????????????.

How many deaths in school zones or road work areas???????????.

Ok, I know speeding is a no no, but a cash flow is needed.

-- Edited by Phillipn on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 10:11:41 PM



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They should get some balls.

First ticket for any number on speedo.
Second time double the fine, suspend licence for 1 week. AND.. Confiscate car for that time

plus if caught behind any wheel in that period. automatic week in slammer.

Confinement camps with tents. set up out in bush with basic facilities. Communal tuts and showers.

If third time. Confiscation AND SALE of veh and loss of licence.
It would do road safety a world of good.

They won't do that......... WHY??????

Loss of income.
The pricks (councils) nowadays have the income from speeding,
assessed and allotted into the councils annual income.

THEY don't want us to stop speeding.
It's TOO Lucrative.

and they hate the fact they HAVE to give us 3 or 4. Mostly 6 KMPH leeway
on the camera's. WHY..

Cause gov't legislation states that new veh's speedo's
only have to be WITHIN a 6 KMPH accuracy.
Watch out iif they change that one day.

Same as smoking....

In front it's all reducing smokers by increasing prices. But AGAIN.
they love the extra income from.

Less fags. BUT higher costs for such means extra tax from same.

THEY don't lose anything....

Dumb B's don't realise the moneys saved from medical alone would more than cover that.
After a decade or so at start.

While also giving a healthier population.

Human beings are soooo dumb.
While also fooling themselves they the best thing since sliced bread.

One day there'll be a serious epedemic. or the planet will just give a good heave.
Shift all the plates around and start again.

Hopefully without this blight on it. We really are a Virus on the planet.



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Great piece of gear. After I retired I worked as a children's school crossing supervisor for 2 years while waiting for my wife to retire. I didn't need the money, I just wanted to do something useful.

The number of people speeding through the reduced speed zone was amazing & I was almost cleaned up many times as I helped the children cross a very busy road.

One of those portable camera trailers would have been a great help. Bring ém on in all states I say.

ps. If you don't speed you've got nothing to worry about have you?


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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Phillipn wrote:

How do they relate the number of deaths to speed when  speeding tickets are down????????????.

How many deaths in school zones or road work areas???????????.

Ok, I know speeding is a no no, but a cash flow is needed.

I don't know how other states are managing or reviewing the effectiveness of their fixed, mobile and red light speed cameras in NSW they are reviewed and reported on each year (see link). If the use of both the mobile and fixed units is only done for revenue raising as people suggest why do they bother to put warning signs 200 mtrs and then again at 50 mtrs on the approach side (wouldn't that defeat the purpose) ? confuse There are mobile units in NSW that also check your registration details as you approach which makes displaying a sticker on your windscreen now redundant. 

-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Friday 23rd of December 2016 06:24:55 AM



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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Made a serious effort to travel at exactly 98 KPH in a 100 zone for 15 K. Had the grand daughter keep an eye on the GPS on her phone. After best efforts, she told me I had drifted over by at least 3 KPH on 9 occasions in that 15 K. Also went a low as 90 K lots of times. The instantaneous nature of speed cameras is what annoys me. Inadvertently drift over because you are paying attention to all sorts of things other than speed, and you are gone. Point to Point, I have no issue with.

Bet the road trauma toll goes up again this year. Speed cameras are not the answer.




Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.


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In the last 5 years we have owned cars from a number of different manufactures Honda, Mazda, Kia and Mitsubishi when I check against a windscreen mounted GPS generally my actual speed is somewhere around 5KPH under what is showing on the speedo. I guess if your are not concentrating on your speed when operating a motor vehicle (I've been guilty myself) then how far you drift over is going to determine how much of an issue that is going to be for you when you get checked. We can argue all we like about the pros and cons of speed cameras but I can only see them increasing in their usage not decreasing.



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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Dick0 wrote:

Just another revenue raising idea from Patch-a-chook. no

 Call it what you like. It's only voluntary taxation. It's your choice as to whether you care to contribute or not.


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.



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These type of cameras have been in operation in Tassie for about 3 Years ago. The theory behind them is that they can have more mobile units out there for those who travel above the speed limit. In those three years I believe that the campaign was very successful in reducing the accidents that result of speeding. 

As far as I am concerned, if you don't speed you won't get booked and if it saves one life and the distress that come as a result of that then bring it on.


You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!


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"New Qld Speed Cameras"

Good thing, anything to help reduce the road toll.wink




Moonta, Copper Coast, South Aust.

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Sadly yesterday more people killed on Qld roads, I use speed contol as much as and have had mine check and when on a hundred I am doing 97. Happy to sit on the limit and no need to go over.


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For starters.
those "advisory" notices in QLD.
DO NOT have to be at set distances BEFORE the camera

Only WITHIN a certain RADIUS of the camera.

UNLESS laws changed recently.

I stopped and asked a camera cop earlier this yr..
That's what he told me.

What's it doing by the front curbside wheel of the van I asked.


We don't have to display at any set distance or radius.
OR BE VISIBLE to oncoming traffic.
Only be there.

I'd just gone past him at 87 in an 80 zone in middle of nowhere.
In the dark.
Testing my new light bar for height of beam etc.
Not taking much notice of speed.

What's the camera set at mate??.

Hmmm Cost me $175 for 1 kmph over. inattention. BUT fair.

BOTH cars have Autopilots. Both are used on any straight, open minimum traffic roads.
Both set at 100-102. TO THE GPS READINGS.

Speedo's 2 and 5km's out. Madams 2km, set by tyre radius. one oversize.

That sect of road is only 1.2km's from R'about to turn off,each way. and 4 km's out of town.

I hadn't bothered. Dumb hey.


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hope we get them in NSW as well, dont speed and you have nothing to worry about, today we just seem to have idiots on the road that think they can drive how they like,just stop and think if one of these people were to cause a fatality to one of your relatives I am afraid I just could not forgive their negligence




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We always hear about the fatal five. Speeding, seatbelts, drink-drug driving, fatigue & inattention. We never hear impatience mentioned. From what I see on the roads I reckon impatience would be the cause of as many accidents as the fatal five put together. Trouble is there's no way to measure the level of impatience, & it doesn't fit into any of the fatal five catogory. Cheers Pete



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Unfortunately it's not only the speed that does the damage.

Stupidity. inattention. Misjusgement of distances and spaces between.
The list goes on.

Loss of licence and confiscation of cars are needed
along with more serious punishments
plus recorded CONVICTIONS on your record are needed.

Making you a legal criminal and it's consequences
would be a very deep thought provoker to most.

and maybe confinement of some sort for driving while unlicenced\uninsured etc.
along with the confiscations and selling on the third.

Make them HURT... Then it has more chance of working.

Also if confinement.
Make them stay there if appealing. Until resolution of.
NO bail allowed.
Automatic until\if overturned..


PS. Seatbelts.


I DON'T wear one.   Legally.

I have Medical exemption for.

Plus I always hated the bloody things when wearing.

I'll take my chances.

Only Physical contact accident I ever had in 50 odd yrs

was on Motorbike and a car came through red light.

Guess who lost.



Mobiles and screens in dash?

-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 23rd of December 2016 12:10:46 PM

-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 23rd of December 2016 12:12:32 PM



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macka17 wrote:

Unfortunately it's not only the speed that does the damage.

Stupidity. inattention. Misjusgement of distances and spaces between.
The list goes on.

Loss of licence and confiscation of cars are needed
along with more serious punishments
plus recorded CONVICTIONS on your record are needed.

Making you a legal criminal and it's consequences
would be a very deep thought provoker to most.

and maybe confinement of some sort for driving while unlicenced\uninsured etc.
along with the confiscations and selling on the third.

Make them HURT... Then it has more chance of working.

Also if confinement.
Make them stay there if appealing. Until resolution of.
NO bail allowed.
Automatic until\if overturned..

Peace on Earth and good will to all.

Ha! and a very merry Christmas to you as well.biggrin



-- Edited by Santa on Friday 23rd of December 2016 12:14:09 PM

-- Edited by Santa on Friday 23rd of December 2016 12:14:42 PM




Moonta, Copper Coast, South Aust.


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Hi Santa. Have a good one hey.

And what would YOU recommend to slow or stop any of it then??.

Serious deterrants are the only thing I can think of.
Soft touches and smack on wrist ain't working.

Getting some serious arses sitting on the bench MAY help.
But they have to come to party with pretty big sticks.

People realise they mean business.
the idiots (80% of it) will stop

Misjudgement\inattention and drugs.
Retraining for first. Bullet for second
would be a good starter I reckon.

And YES. My daughter was into drugs yrs ago, seriously.
But clean for 15 yrs now.
Messed up the first 35 yrs of her life then some.

HER life. HER choices.
Just glad she saw the light eventually hey.



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marto1944 wrote:

hope we get them in NSW as well,

 Pete, we have a similar thing in NSW. They use utilities with canopies and station wagons. They mount the equipment behind the rear glass window.


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.


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yes peter D your are correct but from my experience of them where I live they are not in place very long and so are next to useless and its a long time between drinks hell if they are making the money I see why not have many more, money and jail is probably the only thing that will stop the morons I see




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Completely agree. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

Happy Christmas to all.


Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.

Thomas Paine.



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Macka you're not often wrong but this time you appear to be right .from the NSW government Road Safety website FAQ -

Are there signs to warn motorists approaching the cameras?

Warning signs for mobile speed camera vehicles ensure that motorists see and recognise the enforcement areas. Mobile speed camera vehicles are marked and operators place portable warning signs 50 metres before and after the vehicle. Another warning is provided up to 250 metres before the vehicle. Warning signs ensure that all motorists see and recognise the enforcement activity. The signs also encourage motorists to stay within posted speed limits.

By the way the NRMA suggests that if there is no sign displayed it won't save you from paying the fine.

From the Queensland Police website FAQ -

The Speed Camera In Use sign was not visible.

There is no legislative requirement for the Speed Camera In Use sign to be used on a speed camera deployment. Speed camera operators may or may not have signs placed near the vehicle advising motorists they have passed a speed camera. The signs are used to remind motorists that speed detection can occur anywhere, anytime.  

Why was the Speed Camera In Use sign situated after the speed camera unit?

The Queensland Police Service guidelines (Traffic Manual) indicate the sign may be placed between five and thirty metres past the speed camera in the direction of travel of target vehicles.

The purpose of the sign is to advise motorists, to the presence of a speed camera to enable them to appropriately adjust their speed to a safer level in instances where they are exceeding the speed limit.



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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I'm in favour of these trailer mounted speed cameras especially if they are use in roadwork zones, all workers have the right to expect to return home after a day at work, they are not employed to be run down by drivers who refuse to obey the road rules.\

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