already posted this idea elsewhere...........sack all the pollies, bring ex NZ PM John Keys as CEO. Let him run the country and we'll get back to surplus rather than a half a trillion $ debt. NZ has posted a $1.88B surplus and all they have are tourists, sheep (less than Aust now has) and cattle. No iron, no coal, no oil or gas or precious metals.
On the TV news this morning, in the past 15 years, NZ has had 2 PM's - we've had 5 (including Rudd for 2 times)
Guess this thread will be closed soon anyway as Brickies is correct in his post
As I replied when you posted this before in another area it is a huge advantage to run a country with an economy only the size of Queensland with no obstructionist Senate or States to deal with. Australia is also in the process of transitioning it's economy from a mining boom that NZ never experienced. John Key is a smart guy but I doubt that even he could find his way through the rubbish that is going on in our current parliament.