Sorry to hear of your loss. Can sympathise as I am still reeling after the loss of our Coco. They mean a lot to us that non pet lovers can never understand!
We have an elderly dog who has cancer but atm is going well on Cortisone tablets that may reduce the cysts in her pancreas. She is going quite well is alert and happy but for how long we dont know.
We have discussed what we are going to do when she has the last ride to the vet and it will be really difficult to travel without her, we will both be lonely without our dog slobbering all over us.
Know the feeling Peter and Judy and Reginald. Our last dog had adenocarcinoma of the nose and was give 3-6 months to live, but she managed 18 months. Below expresses how we felt and still do. We have another dog, another Silky, and our first one paved the way for her. We can learn so much from them about living with dignity and passion for life.
The Tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells in the sand, The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land, The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains, For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.