A farmer decied it was time to upgrade his herd of cows, so he went to the bank maanger and got approval to buy a new bull at the next bull sale - the following week. He bought the bull and took it home. A week or so later, the bank manager saw the farmer in the street.
"How's the new bull going?" asked the bank manager.
"Bloody thing's useless - all he does is eat grass - doesn't even look at the cows" was the reply.
"Go see Jonsey the Vet. He may be able to give you something" said the bank manager.
A month or so later, the bank manager sees the farmer again in town.
"How did you get on with the Vet?" said the bank manager.;
"Oh - he gave me this little jar of stuff. He said to mix it with the bull's hay. I did and the bull went though my herd twice in a day. He then crashed through the fence and did the neighbour's herd twice, then through another 4 fences in a day. Last hear of the bull was about 20 km downriver and still going strong".
The Bank manager replied "Wow - that must be some strong stuff - what was it?"
"I dunno, but it tastes like peppermint" was the reply.