On the granite woodland trail between Hyden and Norseman gravel road.
According to this sign the use of steel traps laced with strychnine and the warning that 1080 is dangerous to humans something i have known for a while.
I am horrified they still use steel jawed traps. Awful
Yes, crulity to animals does not apply to those that hide behind the banner of government departments.
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I have lived in WA since 1998 first time i felt happy to see it disappear in the rear view mirror. Spent years living and working on the land have managed properties of nearly a million acres used all sorts of control mechanisms for so called feral animals, have changed my mind on practises a lot over the years but struggle to think that barbaric practises like this still occur the primary industry and government departments do themselves no favours by doing this especially when it is spread near the transit routes of visitors huge home goal in my view.