Gee, that brings back memories. Back in the early 70's I drove a "B61" Mack, it was extremely hot in the small cabin, had a 5x4 gearbox and not the power trucks have these days, you had to work in them days (don't think I could handle that gearbox now ). They call it "the good old days ".
Cheers Owen.
The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.
The old crash boxes and splitters sort the learner drivers out.
I learnt to drive on a Diamond T 8 spd gate with mechanical splitter. In late '50's.
If you touched the clutch after taking off Corporal gave you spud peeling duties for a week.
Worst part of those things was short box on back. Tank transport units.
Every time a tank (Conqueror, or Centurion or both)) 37 and 48 tons by memory sans turret.
We were REME ARV and BARV. recovery vehicles.
we had to handload 11 1\2 ton of 56lb cast iron blocks into tray. then out again when you got back
Remember those things, Oblong with a handle cast, in set int top lengthways.
'58 on and I still remember every one of those bloody cast blocks.
Mate in US was truckie. He has a 42ft 5th wheeler behind a Chevvy 3500 twin rears.
11ft garage in back with buggy in it.
GREAT rig. But over there Chevvy Of the floor was $43k new. Here was $147k
with not so many berries on it.
First civvy truck was an old "Albion" 8 legger. Twin steer.and a 450hp side valve donk under it.
35mph flat out (downhill) but wouldn't even smoke going up hills with 45ton of concrete moudings on back.
Those old trucks were lovely things. Too look at. pigs to drive, non power steering and 2 miles to stop.
Anybody else got some photo's of nostalgia. I might still have some of my old Army ones around of recovery.