Eril and I had been trying to get away for a few days in between our "Edwin Tuesdays" babysitting. Were going to go to Aysons but had to postpone 2 weeks due to Eril's mother still getting over the bug that seems to have affected half of the Ballarat population!!! Our eldest Emma, who lives in Mill Park in the Melbourne northern suburbs had a problem with her gas central heating and a water leak under the sink as well as a Yucca tree that was blown over onto her neighbours, so we decided to have a few days parked in her drive while we caught up on those few jobs for her. Emma has been coming back to Ballarat most weekends to catch up with her niece and two nephews, so no extra jobs getting done at her place. We came down Wednesday and I reversed the 24' Sterling up the driveway in one attempt.
Eril started working on the garden and I started with the in roof central heating. Tight fit for this not so midget person in her roof!!! Found the pilot light would not stay on so removed the thermal couple and found a new one at Reece Plumbing for $15. Put it back together and away it went. Next was to fire up the 12" chainsaw to remove the Yucca tree leaning over the fence onto the neighbour's roof. Bloody chainsaw not behaving itself but I cut the Yucca down to size and removed 2 other unsuitable trees in the front of her place until I ran out of petrol AND by this time puff as well!!! Tomorrow I need to cut the removed trees into manageable pieces for Emma to put in her "green" bin each fortnight. Eril will finish the garden tidy up and I have to sandpaper some sticking doors. We plan to leave mid arvo tomorrow after a job well done. We have not been visiting Emma as regular this year as we have been building a new place behind us for Erils 93 year old Mother as well as selling her property and shifting her in and getting her acquainted with her new digs. Quite an undertaking for 93!! Also 3 Grandies in 18 months has limited our time as well!!!
The extra battery, additional 200 watt solar, the dc2dc charger, a dedicated 240 v charger when on genset or mains power, as well as the diesel heater all seem to be working well now. Eril almost has the van equipped with most of the stuff needed to go away for several days without having a big rush to pack and unpack.
So this year, with our "Edwin Tuesday" commitments, we will satisfy ourselves with many short trips.