The old grey nomads were a little concerned about a strange noise that was coming from under the tug somewhere. Mr grey nomad suggested they stop at the next town so that he could get underneath and see what is going on, and Mrs grey nomad thought not a bad idea as they were running low on groceries. They came to the town and parked the rig in a shady spot near a large supermarket. "I'll go and get some groceries while you try and find out what is wrong with the car", she said, and walked off in the direction of the supermarket. Mr grey nomad climbed underneath the car to see if he could spot where the noise was coming from.
When she returned with the groceries Mrs grey nomad noticed a large crowd of people gathered around where their car and caravan were parked. A little concerned she pushed her way through the crowd only to see a pair of hairy legs sticking out from under the car, and a large set of 'crown jewels' dangling out from the leg of his shorts. Women in the crowd were jostling in position and craning their necks to get a better view. Mrs grey nomad was somewhat infuriated to see this and, with protection of the family's name and pride foremost in her mind, went over to the pair of legs, reached down and tucked the exposed 'crown jewels' back inside the shorts, then turned around to address the crowd, "I hope you have been enjoying the show!"
Whilst addressing the crowd Mrs grey nomad spotted Mr grey nomad, who had been standing in the crowd.
The mechanic from the NRMA had to have ten stitches in his forehead.
There are three types of people: Those who can count, and those who can't.