There's no problem at all running odd size panels in parallel, especially if they are of the same or similar type of panel - mono/poly crystalline. By connecting in series, you are increasing the voltage to your controller, so you need to ensure it is capable of accepting the higher input.
I have 4 panels - 1 x 130w mono, 2 x 80w mono, 1 x 120w poly and they all work quite happily together and all wired in parallel to a Redarc Manager30.
Cheers, Gerry Lexus LX470 2012 Traveller Sensation Pinnacle 21' Member VKS737 - mobile 3535
I have 2 x 80 watt, and 1 x 200 watt solar panels, ( I intend running them in series as am told thats the best way with odd sized panels )
then through a 40amp mppt controller to 2x 100 amp hr batteries. Can anyone see a problem with this.
Thanks in advance Dave
No NO NO. If you run them in series then the smallest one will be the restriction on the current that can flow and the big one will be wasted.
Just run them in parallel as Gerry says. No problem with odd sizes as long as they are pretty much the same style of panel. The MPPT controller will try to get the best out of them whatever they are.
Ditto to Jaahn's post
To be in series ALL the panels should have the same output current rating.
That generally means the specs for peak power point are the same