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Post Info TOPIC: Ross River Fever

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Ross River Fever

Daughter has been diagnosed with Ross River Fever and has had the symptoms since last December.  Because it is a virus there is nothing the medical profession can do to help but she does use natural alternative medicine.  The joint pains are terrible and there is nothing that can take the pain away unfortunately.  It looks like she will be a long time recovering.

Has anyone else had the misfortune to have had this virus?    



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My daughter had Ross River fever & and later she developed rheumatoid arthritis which her doctor said was a result of her immune system being lowered by the virus.



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Here is a solution that has the potential to eradicate these disease bearing mosquitoes, but people are too scared or too ignorant to allow it to go ahead:


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G'day June. I to have had Ross River Fever. Unfortunately once you have it, you have it for life. I have found after the first bout it will keep coming back. Some times bad, sometimes not so bad. This may sound strange but I have found that a daily dose of Glucosamine Forte 1500 seems to help me with the joint pains. I do not know if this really helps or if it is in my mind. I do not care as the pain is less (not gone but less). If it is any consolation to your Daughter I have found the recurrences are getting further apart.

Hope this helps



Jack Cherie and the memory of the four legged kids.

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kandagal wrote:

My daughter had Ross River fever & and later she developed rheumatoid arthritis which her doctor said was a result of her immune system being lowered by the virus.

 It's such a dreadful virus Alice, I do hope she is coping with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, if that is possible.  I wish her all the best.

June C.


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dorian wrote:

Here is a solution that has the potential to eradicate these disease bearing mosquitoes, but people are too scared or too ignorant to allow it to go ahead:

 Thanks for that information, we can only hope the powers that be who make those decisions will come to their senses, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see what a huge difference it would make.  Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

June C.


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ballast2 wrote:

G'day June. I to have had Ross River Fever. Unfortunately once you have it, you have it for life. I have found after the first bout it will keep coming back. Some times bad, sometimes not so bad. This may sound strange but I have found that a daily dose of Glucosamine Forte 1500 seems to help me with the joint pains. I do not know if this really helps or if it is in my mind. I do not care as the pain is less (not gone but less). If it is any consolation to your Daughter I have found the recurrences are getting further apart.

Hope this helps


 Hello Jack, sorry to hear you have the virus too.  It's such a terrible virus, you would imagine it would run its course and be done with it, but that is not so.  Carolyn has always looked after herself and her family, eats organic food; sugar, salt and processed foods are not in her diet.  She must have the best immune system on the planet, swims, rides her bike, attends Zumba classes and is never ill.  She uses natural medicines and I will let her know that a daily dose of Glucosamine Forte could help, thanks Jack.  All the best,  June C.


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I have been struggling with it myself, got diagnosed back in November. Really had a rough couple of months with it and was one of the reasons I gave up the business I had at Crescent Head. Slow recovery but I am now getting back to normal and able to work again. Not good when you walk up a single flight of stairs and have to rest for 30 minutes. One day I used a shovel for 2 minutes and ended up in bed for 3 hours. I am only 44 and was reasonably fit and active, really knocked me for 6.



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@ Dorian. Don't confuse "fear and ignorance" with awareness - If we jump in with "great science" without caution and due diligence we can end up with solutions with similar outcomes to cane toads. After extensive testing there may be a place for such biological programs, but when you read the article you will note that the mosquito to solve all our problems was itself an accidental mutant of the sterilised strain - if it can mutate once what is going to prevent it mutating again?
The best preventative is to eliminate breeding areas and ensure that there are "native" predators of hatchlings, in waterways and dams - such as frogs.


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Hello June, I had RR Virus in 1993 and blood tests in 1995 showed the virus was again active. While reporting weekly to Qld Instutiue if Medical Research they were surprised to see the report stating a recent infection. And like Kandahal I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am taking Methotrexate, Prednisone, Celebrex, Folic Acid and various strengths of pain killers depending on my needs. I have a fantastic Rheumatologist in Townsville, bit of a pain having to travel from Cairns, but not a lot of choice of specialists up here. Just make sure she documents symptoms, no matter how small they may be, as this will also help with management of medication.
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well this old dog is learning a lot of new tricks to help deal with this disease. Can't keep an old girl down.
Cheers Darmc

-- Edited by Darmc on Sunday 24th of April 2016 01:08:59 PM




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Hello everyone

Back in the day when I was in the employment playground, I once played alongside an otherwise very healthy 35 year old man, who had Ross River Virus.

Seeing just a few of the symptoms first hand, I sincerely hope that a breakthrough comes along, sooner, rather than later.

While looking for something else, I came across this news article, but I have no idea if this is just reporting sensationalism, or the start of a breakthrough in 2015



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I had two friends of mine in their late twenties get Ross River, they couldn't play aussie rules and where playing it at a reasonable level. they both grabbed an electric fence for a few seconds and no bull **** were back playing the next week with no symptons, and none 15 years on, one is still playing.


The Master

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I've grabbed an electric fence or two in my time. Wondering now what it may have got rid of. lol


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I've had (got) it twice (not flare ups - two distinct times) (and Chikungunga mixed with the second bout) over the last 6.5years. I was a formally fit and active 44 year old. Now I am pretty well stuffed. It causes varying chronic aches and pains. At the moment it is Plantar Fasciitis. Sleep disorders. Every single muscle in my body feels like it is poisoned. Doctors just shrug at you. It does seem to lessen in intensity (as I've recorded a lot of the symptoms over time....but........I really am not nor will I ever be) the person I once was. Once upon a time I never took there is probably not a day goes by that I don't have to hook into some sort of pain killer. I wouldn't be able to work if I had to. I can only set myself one job a day. If it is very physical (such as washing the car - which shouldn't be that hard a job) then I feel like I've been run over by a train for a few days after.
I have heard about the electric fence. I have been having shock therapy for my heel...and it hasn't got rid of the RR out of me.
I think I read the other day that the way it's heading that most people will be infected soon. I rarely get bitten by mozzies (probably 10 times in my life) and if they say only one in 500 mozzies is infected, then I must be the most unlucky person in the world!!! I am however a magnet for sand-flies and maintain my infections have been caused by them (although CDC refute that). CDC also deny we can get Chikungunga in Australia - that is also a lie.



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I am being in the process of confirmation of Ross River Fever. Other than that, consider the fact that the male mosquito does not bite as it has only one function, to produce babies! Until such time that the female becomes in the family way, they are nectar feeders and pollinate flowers. They suck blood to provide the protein to produce eggs. If we destroy the mosquitos, do we stop our food production, like wiping out bees?
I am suffering things I have never felt before, yet, do I blame mosquitos or our ability to move with a disease like this so readily from area to area to spread it so easily? The vector is the mosquito, the host is mammals. How do you feel about wiping out every native animal in areas were RRF occurs?



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Was in the employment playground, and there was a 40 year old man with Ross River virus
The knuckles of his hands were all swollen

Seeing just a little of the pain, this man was in, I can only hope that those who have it, recover very quickly

The people in the link below are claiming a breakthrough, and are doing clinical trials

Hope that this info is helpful to someone



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