If you have a Kindle Ereader, you may require an update in the software, otherwise you will no longer be able to access the Kindle store. The deadline is 22 Mar, so you will have to do it before 6:00PM today, which is midnight of the 22/23 on the west coast of USA.
Thanks Troopy for the heads up on this. I went in tonight and whilst it would not download automatically, I was able to download manually through my PC to the Kindle thanks to your link.
Interesting point. We have two Kindles and had to update both using Wi-Fi, which proved a long and difficult task (I don't understand Wi-Fi, or the need for it), but we managed it.
The process took overnight, which seems very long for a software update.
Since updating, all the books which were on my Kindle also appear on the Cloud (whatever that is). I can access them either on the Kindle or via the Cloud. So far so good.
HOWEVER, I have just bought a book which was to be sent to my Cloud Reader, but it's not there. I can't read it on the Kindle (it's not there), but I (think) I can read it on my PC. I don't want to read it on my PC. I gather I can download it to the Kindle from the PC, but why should I have to do that? Technology and me are NOT good mates.
Previously, I clicked on a book, and about 30 seconds later it appeared on my Kindle. Easy. But the so-called updated technology seems to prevent this. And they call this an advance?
Memo Amazon: Get back to the tried and true old system, or I go back to an even older, fail-proof system . . . real books.
All comments/suggestions welcome,
Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
I hope this will help. I also hope you have registered your Kindle with Amazon for this.
To get your Kindle to receive your purchased book:
Make sure your Kindle has it's WiFi turned on but the Kindle doesn't have to be plugged into the computer or even turned on for this process.
1. In your browser on your computer go to the Amazon web site and log into your account.
2. On the top right (in the black area) select 'Your Account' for the drop down menu.
3. Half way down select 'Manage your content and Devices'.
All the books you purchased should be listed there.
5. On the left side of the book(s) there are little boxes. add a tick(s) in the boxes of the ones you want to download.
6. Select the yellow 'Deliver' button above the tick boxes.
7. A small window should appear where you select, with a tick in the appropriate box, the kindle which, I hope, is listed there.
8. A yellow 'Deliver' box should appear which you then press.
All Done
tonyd wrote:
Interesting point. We have two Kindles and had to update both using Wi-Fi, which proved a long and difficult task (I don't understand Wi-Fi, or the need for it), but we managed it.
The process took overnight, which seems very long for a software update.
Since updating, all the books which were on my Kindle also appear on the Cloud (whatever that is). I can access them either on the Kindle or via the Cloud. So far so good.
HOWEVER, I have just bought a book which was to be sent to my Cloud Reader, but it's not there. I can't read it on the Kindle (it's not there), but I (think) I can read it on my PC. I don't want to read it on my PC. I gather I can download it to the Kindle from the PC, but why should I have to do that? Technology and me are NOT good mates.
Previously, I clicked on a book, and about 30 seconds later it appeared on my Kindle. Easy. But the so-called updated technology seems to prevent this. And they call this an advance?
Memo Amazon: Get back to the tried and true old system, or I go back to an even older, fail-proof system . . . real books.
All comments/suggestions welcome,
Cheers, Tony
Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW
Tony no one's twisting your arm and making you use Kindle, if your happy with paper books, why not stay with them. If you feel you must have an E reader get a Kobo and then you can get your books for free from any public library, instead of being locked to Amazon.
Personally I don't see any value in using cloud with an E Reader unless you want to store thousands of books.
Many thanks for replies, especially to Hylda&Jon for the detailed advice. Unfortunately, it did not work, but well worth a try. Part of the problem is that where I live, in Greenwood, a northern Perth suburb, is noted as one of the worst internet blackspots in the country (in fact, there was a TV news report about it tonight) and this may well have an effect on what I can and cannot connect to.
HOWEVER . . . I CAN now download books direct to the Kindle, which is an advance, especially as there have been some real bargains in the last few days (try $1.20 a book!), so the problem has been resolved. Previously, I had downloaded via my laptop, which was good, but has, sadly, now died.
The possibly bad news is that I have now acquired a cheapo Telstra Essentials-Tab (tablet) which I am about to get going with (!). This will enable me to get Kobo and other ebooks (at least in theory . . .)
Wish me well. As you will have gathered, technology and me ain't good mates!
Again, many thanks,
Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
I haven't used my kindle in over six years, charged it up and started downloading free books no trouble....................NEVER HAD AN UPGRADE! So are they really neccassary?