Apologies if this has been posted before.
Pat and Mick are walking down the village street when they meet the Father coming towards them.
"Hello Father" says Mick, "Hello Father says Pat.
"Hello there boys what are ye up to today?" says the Priest.
"Nuttin Father", says Mick.
"Well in that case could you help me with a little problem boys?"
"We will that Father" says Pat'
"The flagpole at the church is in need of replacing, could you measure it so I can order a new one?"
"We will that Father"
So having picked up a big tape measure, off they go to the churchyard.
Says Mick looking up at the pole, "How are we going to do this Pat?"
After a minute or two Pat says, "I'll shin up the pole with the tape and you hold it at the bottom".
"Right", says Mick.
After a few false starts, two feet up and one foot sliding back things are not going too well, when Murphy passes by
"Whatcha doin boys?" says Murphy.
"We are measuring the pole for the Father", says Mick.
After a couple of minutes deliberations Murphy says, "Well if you take those two bolts out at the bottom there you can lay it down".
Says Pat, "What bliddy good is that? tis the the height we want not the length"..................
I rest my case.
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
Thomas Paine.
Happy Camping
I was always taught to respect my elders,
but it keeps getting harder to find one.