Have got the setup online and running, but I'm a bit disappointed with the tri-pod. Does anyone out there have the "Access antennas" tripod with the folding square tube legs. I want to know if they have a second bush on the lower part of the outer tube. I have only a bush in the top, and the tube supporting the dish is very wobbly. I.e. I think there should be a bush top and bottom to support the inner tube that supports the dish.
I lost the bottom bush ages ago, so just marked the tube where it should be when open and wrapped a few layers of gaffa tape around it, when open it's solid, as the gap is now filled so no wobble, but if new maybe go back and complain and get another one.
Yeah thanks guys. Just rang Access Antennas and no they don't have a lower bush in the tri-pod. Guess I'll have to look at getting one made (or use gaffa tape!), poor engineering practice Me thinks.