There are plenty of freeware feed readers. One is included with my browser.
Fortunately we don't have a download problem, we have a 100 GBs / Month on our Telstra $100 / Month bundle. Of that 100 GBs we usually use 10 to 20 GBs. When you add free Landline calls, and only $30 / month for Mob, I pay $70 every pension day and about every 4th or 5th pension day don't pay anything to bring our credit back down to $70 to $90. Been on this arrangement for 3 or 4 years and cruising. Good old Telstra. I might add we have 2 Desktops and probably spend 8 or so of our 12 to 15 hrs awake on our Puters. The significant thing is we don't spend hours looking at movies and rubbish. WOW, that's a mouthful, better go and make another cup of coffee to keep myself puting. Simmo.
Hard work never killed anybody but why take the chance.