For more than 40 years the engine exhausts on Aussie-built Motorhomes have been extended to the rear area,behind/to the rear of passenger seats,openable windows,airvents,flues,virtually any permanently "unsealed openings". ADR42/04 clause 10.3.1 - NB category vehicles included Motorhomes - was the reference for this long-standing "good/best practice" in the Australian RV Industry from 2005. "Other global markets" - I'm lead to believe like the UK,Europe and USA? - do not extend exhausts to the rear.SO, the smart and intelligent bureaucrats in Canberra's Department of Infrastructure(DIT)decided - without any consultation with State Transport Ministers who are required by the rules to vote on ADR changes - deleted this exhaust extension requirement for Motorhomes in April 2013. They even decided at the same time to classify Motorhomes as "goods carrying vehicles" which means the exhaust outlet can be positioned anywhere along the vehicle's RHS. From what I've seen on the road and at Motorhome Shows I'm pleased to say our Aussie RV builders are ignoring this stupid ADR amendment and are continuing to extend their exhaust outlets to the rear with the one exception of Avan Motorhomes which have never extended their exhausts from 2007!!SO Avan RVs have actually failed the 2005 - 2013 ADR42/04 requirement. Please contact your own Motorhome builder and congratulate them and encourage them to continue extending engine exhaust outlets to the rear area. Beware of imported RVs with unextended exhausts.
FINAL RECOMMENDATION: Do NOT buy any Motorhome unless the engine exhaust pipe extends to the rear.
Aus-Kiwi & Patrol03. Aussie RV builders as I said have been doing it for over 40 years. No need to change for change sake to simply and so unnecessarily put us in line with "other global markets" who do NOT extend their exhaust pipes to the rear. As Aus-Kiwi says - "No issues" and Patrol03 - "Way to go". I couldn't agree more. But I still issue the warning: Do NOT buy any Motorhome unless the exhaust pipe is extended to the "rear area",in front of rear wheels etc.,anywhere on the RHS for that matter,BUT definitely behind: rear passenger seats "openable windows",HWS flues(suck in air for combustion),any type of airvent,even airvents in the door of a LPG compartment(which must be there anyway).
Yep no issue for me . I fabricate turbo manifolds etc in
My spare time ..Extending exhaust is easy .. Funny station wagons have exh out the rear side as axh is sucked in with vehicles vacuum. Ours has rear window .. Looks like they retro the laws .,