OK, I am going out on a limb here, and could get shot down in seconds or might start an interesting exchange of opinions, not sure. How ever I will ask the question and I can take a hint and shut up if I am out of order.
Here Goes ::::::: What do you Grey Nomads reckon about this Same Sex Marriage Rubbish?
PersonalyI am a bit old fashioned and reckon, Sheep, Cats, Mice and Elephants know what is right. If people want to do their own thing privately, that's OK but keep it to yourself. The world has been in existence for 4,500 Million years quite successfully, lets not try and change things now.
OK, I have my bullet proof vest on, leterrip.
I can take it.
Hard work never killed anybody but why take the chance.
It's fine for them to live in a defacto relationship. What they do in their bedroom is up to them. They shouldn't be allowed to get married, that's for a man & a woman to do. Like a lot of minority groups they've managed to gradually wear down resistance (morals) & influence public opinion to the point where a lot of people think it's now OK. Putting my bullet proof vest on as well.
Cheers Desert Dweller.
Our land abounds in Natures gifts. Of beauty rich and rare.
Haha, good one Hendo.
On the topic though, does it really matter? Does it affect you in any way? I really don't give a toss if they want to get "Married" or "Partnered" or whatever they want to call it. But it makes a lot of difference to them in the legal sense, for anything relating to their "Spouse".
If that's what they want, I say go for it, I have no problem with it.
Yes I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
I personally do not see this as an issue politicians should be involved in- Marriage is an agreement/statement between two people who love each other to share their lives together. There are legal factors that affect why a 'de facto' partner is not as well 'protected' as a registered married partner, and by being denied marriage they are being refused those protections. However, I do not believe that they should be able to adopt and raise children, but that is a seperate issue. A sister-in-law is supposedly gay, although she has had male partners in the past, but not for many years. There is way too much hate in this world and not enough love - love of any kind needs supporting.
So lets say I have a son who is gay and he then Marries another male.Then as life has it I up and die and I haven't made a will. My son will inherit my worldly goods and because they are married his partner will also receive 50% of my legacy to my Son.
Is this what we are comfortable with?
Just a thought
Consider; If it becomes Law that a "Gay" couple can legally be "married" (which is considered to be a religious ideal for the procreation of children), it will become unlawful for any Priest (or Church minister, Cleric, Govt. Agent or Celebrant) to refuse to perform a marriage service, regardless of their beliefs or views.
If a person refuses to perform such a marriage service disregarding their strongly held beliefs or Christian faith, they may be sued or gaoled. This is not far fetched, as it recently occurred in an American State.
The problem with the so called silent majority pushing this is, that they are neither!
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
Other peoples sexual preferences are their business - and I see no reason for two males or two females to commit to their love for one another with a formal ceremony. Call it a marriage, or a commitment ceremony, it is the spirit of the act that counts.
I have a family member who "came out" when she was 13 - her mother stood by her all the way, and now that her mum has gone, her "other" mother supports her, as do I. If she was to tell me she was bringing her life partner to meet me, I would be so excited to meet the person who saw the amazing girl I know, and would welcome them both with open arms.
And for Possum - the same thing would happen if your child married a person of the opposite sex - that partner would be sharing in the inheritance - what's the difference? None that I can see.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Jules - You have attributed inheritance law concerns to me yet I think it was Jade 46 who had those concerns.
I don't have any such concerns, nor do I object to any same sex relationships - I do have a problem though with; any changes in law or constitution that will make it illegal for anyone to be forced under penalty to do any deed against their moral or religious beliefs.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
So lets say I have a son who is gay and he then Marries another male.Then as life has it I up and die and I haven't made a will. My son will inherit my worldly goods ....
That's about where it stops. The gender of your son's partner does not come into the discussion at all.
When same sex marriage becomes normal in Australia, the certainity that comes with the legal status of marriage will be of benefit of all persons in a commited relatinship.
Semi-permanent state of being Recreationally Outraged as a defence against boredom during lockdown.
Perhaps if some of you people had any direct experience with this situation you might have a different view.
My Uncle was gay and met his life partner in the late 1960's. They lived together until the partner's death in 2003 and the Uncle died in 2013. My Uncle missed his partner terribly after his death.
They now lie side by side in a small cemetery in France where they migrated to in the 1970's to escape the persecution.
If that is not love, then what is. Why does it have to be about gender?
And as a further thought, if marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be so right and correct, then why are there so many divorces between those genders.
What difference does the gender of people who wish to be married make to anyone else? For those who object to marriage equality, why do you object, how does it effect you and your life?
Although the Grey Nomads forum is focussed on issues affecting the grey nomad lifestyle, discussions do sometimes meander into other areas of general interest, particularly in our I Digress section. We do however ask that members avoid discussion of politics and religion as experience has taught us that these issues can lead to bad feeling and this is, above all, a positive forum.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
There's nothing wrong with this thread, its healthy debate, and mind jogging. The job I have at present, as soon as I excepted it I realized that I had someone different in charge. Through conversation, I found out this situation goes right up to the top levels of our professions and Parliament.
This has been going on since time began, and will continue. If you choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist you are a fool.
For the record I don't agree with same sex marriage, but I also don't understand all that's at stake here. I am concerned about the children, a point that hasn't been raised here.
So don't close the thread, moderate as required. This is part of life, understand and except it.
There's nothing wrong with this thread, its healthy debate, and mind jogging. The job I have at present, as soon as I excepted it I realized that I had someone different in charge. Through conversation, I found out this situation goes right up to the top levels of our professions and Parliament. This has been going on since time began, and will continue. If you choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist you are a fool. For the record I don't agree with same sex marriage, but I also don't understand all that's at stake here. I am concerned about the children, a point that hasn't been raised here. So don't close the thread, moderate as required. This is part of life, understand and except it.
iana, I agree completely with your sentiments, and pop in here for a bit of entertainment. Unfortunately that 2% do wave their flag from time to time and I try to be gentle with them. Like most people I have an opinion, and if somebody disagrees with me that's OK. BUT, if they want to take to me, I usually give back.
NOW, do you think Malcom Turnball is doing a better job than Tony Abbot, Oop's, Splutter, Choke, Choke,,,,Just joking. Simmo.
Hard work never killed anybody but why take the chance.
Now Simmo, I was batting on your side, but you are pushing the boundaries. I think you need to go to the naughty room and stand in the corner facing the wall. Actually for those who like to be exact, Our Chief, for instance, two walls, yes a corner must have two walls.
I haven't fathomed the 2 %'ers yet, I thought all that was directed at me after my stirring post.
Jules - You have attributed inheritance law concerns to me yet I think it was Jade 46 who had those concerns.
I don't have any such concerns, nor do I object to any same sex relationships - I do have a problem though with; any changes in law or constitution that will make it illegal for anyone to be forced under penalty to do any deed against their moral or religious beliefs.
Sorry Possum - memory is not what it used to be - should have checked, shouldn't I? I also don't think people should be forced under penalty of law to do anything that is against their moral or religious grounds.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Jules - You have attributed inheritance law concerns to me yet I think it was Jade 46 who had those concerns.
I don't have any such concerns, nor do I object to any same sex relationships - I do have a problem though with; any changes in law or constitution that will make it illegal for anyone to be forced under penalty to do any deed against their moral or religious beliefs.
Sorry Possum - memory is not what it used to be - should have checked, shouldn't I? I also don't think people should be forced under penalty of law to do anything that is against their moral or religious grounds.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
hi jules
that leaves a problem with genital mutilation and some Islamic stuff, the laws of the country need to be over and above any religious beliefs/laws
gays etc. can do what ever they like but don't call it marriage as it makes a mockery of my 35 year union
Perhaps if some of you people had any direct experience with this situation you might have a different view.
My Uncle was gay and met his life partner in the late 1960's. They lived together until the partner's death in 2003 and the Uncle died in 2013. My Uncle missed his partner terribly after his death.
They now lie side by side in a small cemetery in France where they migrated to in the 1970's to escape the persecution.
If that is not love, then what is. Why does it have to be about gender?
And as a further thought, if marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be so right and correct, then why are there so many divorces between those genders.
Just my thoughts.
The Phantom
Got to agree with you there Phantom - I have known quite a few same sex couples who are more committed than some heterosexual couples I have met. I think some people would be surprised if they knew just how many people are homosexual,, lesbian, or even bi sexual. I have personal experience in all of these areas, family and friends. As for divorce - some say it is too easy to get a divorce - maybe it is too easy to get married.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)