It can be difficult to function without a permanent address particularly when it comes to vehicle registration for both the tug and van as the authorities that control those still want to know where the vehicle is normally garaged as that governs what State it is to be registered in. A similar situation is vehicle and van insurance as there it can affect the cost of the insurance. Just about everything else can be organized via emails.
If you are on the big lap and no longer have a home base, my advice would be to put the hard word on family or friends for an address that can be used for a home base as that will simplify all of the above.
In my case I use my daughters address as that is where we do spend our time when not traveling, and besides that I need somewhere I can get the stuff delivered to that I keep buying on eBay. Lol
Sorry I can't be of much help.
Cheers, Tom
I had a thought but it got run over as it crossed my mind.
Thank you Tom...I Will Have to get My Son to Help Out...Was Not sure which way to go...Yes Have Insurances going ///Several...Thank you so Much...get that organised...
Start by cancelling all unnecessary mail, only keep what's essential.
Request all Companies contact you via email. Unfortunately for some business, it's a legal requirement to have a mailing address and they will not delete it.
In a dairy, write down every medical appointment and bills due for up to a year in advance, so you can contact the Company via email or phone to request the balance $$ owing, which you can pay online.
If you're "working in advance", the mail should become "redundant".
Try to group all necessary appointments together, so you can visit home once or twice a year to attend the Doctors, visit family/friends, and collect mail.
Further to what Lesley said, If you wish to not have family members or friends pick up your mail then you will have to change mailing address of everything/everyone that you have given your mailing address to. How many of these are you going to miss out on like the tax office and the electoral commission? If you are going to maintain your residence (and perhaps rent it out) you can simply arrange for family or friends to pick up your mail periodically and forward it.
Changing your contact address to an email address for each business where that is possible is an excellent idea.
Each time we go on a long trip we leave a wad of prepaid express post envelops with a neighbour. We periodically email this neighbour and advise the post office where we wish to collect the mail. A word of warning, we have had more problems with mail addressed to caravan parks than a post office.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Hi Karen,
I travelled in Oz for almost 3 years and worked with a mail forwarding service in NZ where home is. They were great but at a cost. I could ask them to scan mail to pdf and if it was essential, to forward it to a post office in Au. My problems were with Au officials who needed an Au address like the tax office or the car rego and a good mate in Qld has helped me out there. My recommendation is to change your address for everything to a good mates place and get them a bloody good Christmas present every year as a thank you. I would do it for a mate and so would you if asked so just go ahead and ask.
We have been using Pass The Post based in Keperra Qld for about 3 years now and can honestly say the service has been first class. Before Pass the Post we tried having our son forward the mail but found ourselves waiting for days in towns for post he never sent and was always "opps, sorry dad... forgot".
Jo at Pass The Post has been excellent, I've even has stuff sent to her by courier then forwarded on as we needed it. We now have our drivers licenses & rego's mailing address set up as our Pass The Post address. Jo also offers a scan & email service which we've used which has been handy for those things that can be urgent. Generally we travel for about 6 to 8 months a year but even when we're home we still use the service, that way we can take off anytime, without worrying about postal redirections.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.