Just purchased a Redwater HOT water bypass valve online from an A/U supplier..Was getting fussed about the amount of water i was loosing to waste from the shower and hand basin..I know its not the most critical thing in life. " But " When free camping its a pain though. After fitting, i was impressed with the 4.5ltrs of cold water that returned to the tank, which would have been lost from useing those 2 services.. My hot water service is at the other end from the ensuite, so this is good for me, Consideration of this item would only be relevent in situations similar to mine...If you frequent the LOW COST option, maybe browse the Redwater site..NO affiliation though, Just a happy customer.
Does it have some sort of expanding ball..or something like it...that reacts when the hot water gets to it that closes an opening ...diverting the water??
I just wanna know the mechanics of it ...coz it intrigues me ..OK ???? LOL
It doesn't seem to say how the device is 'activated' but this pic/diagram is from that site -
I think for $110, plus apparently a plumber to install, it makes an expensive device for use in a caravan when you can just use a bucket to catch the cold water before the hot gets through and then put that water back into your tank yourself ... bit of buggering around I guess, but cheaper
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Will be installing several in the house when new hot water service goes in... tank water too. I believe they have a bi-metal valve, as it gets warmer the two metals respond differently opening or closing the valve.... lots of things use the same principles... smoke detectors, breath alcohol test gear....
hundred bucks.... gotta be worth the trouble I reckon..
I have to come in on this one. I noticed Peter was a radio and electronics technician-obviously easy for some to get their head around technical stuff. But for some of us that worked all our life with our hands and not our heads and "old-to-boot" and actually just not interested in sitting on a computer all day, it just doesn't matter if we add the link or not.