I have a friend who bought some Thermoshield for his 40' Bedford bus.
He painted it himself using a roller and a lot of luck.(He nearly fell off the roof a few times) Results were actually quite good. His old Bedford has a quite rounded roof line and his main problem was he didn't mask a line to paint down to. He had to use a step ladder to get the levels right along the roof line. He did paint a few coats, Three but only around areas like roof vents. Always prone to leaks. One coat for the rest.
Stuff isn't cheap but he does reckon the stuff cuts down the heat as well. If it's just the fact the paint is newer and whiter and reflects better. I don't know.
I am thinking of getting a quote to airless spray my MH. My biggest problem would be masking up the Solar and the rest of the "Crap" on the roof. Aerials, roof vents etc.
It will be interesting to hear what others have found out refurbishing their MotorHomes.
Got a friend had his US. 5th wheeler done last year, cost over $2k ouch ! and now looks terrible again, he's wishing he had put the money towards a new roof.
These rubber roofs have a limited life, probably more so in our harsh conditions over here in Oz.
Winnebago bodies with these roofs come from the US.
Having said that the products to supposedly refurbish the membrane can be imported easily from Amazon or other suppliers.
The EPDM roof is fine .. It's when it rains it leaves white marks from roof .. Which they say. is normal.. I'm wanting to prevent the white coating paint below plus good maintenance .. There was a link posted some time back of a company in Queensland who does roof maintenance or supplies ? Maybe the $1200 quote from Avida isn't too bad ? I would rather do my own though.. I have half a tin leftover of clear concrete /path sealer.. I'm tempted .. I could use a wax or. fibreglass polish ? But then any paint etc I apply latter won't stick ..
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Tuesday 15th of September 2015 03:35:04 PM
I used thermoshield on my van and painted it on with roller
You may need a primer but not sure with fibreglass
cost $100 for a 4 lt tin and $20 for 2 pak primer
Easy to apply and I did at least 3 coats and had left over
Check out the thermoshield web site
I got mine in Dandenong Vic
Hi everyone Ive been selling 303 for over 20 years now and it is a great product ..its uses are endless and unlike other protectants it does not have silicone in it so it doesnt make things crack..!!!! )
The above I obtained from www.derek.com.au who had been recommended on various forums.
The 303 referred to is used on space satellites, planes and such.
I have only put one coat on so far and found the 'white marks' have not appeared, having said that my Winnebago Birdsville is just over. 3 years old and I am using it more as a protection than anything else. I am also advised it will reflect a lot of the suns rays. Time will tell but I am happy with it so far.
I would suggest you google 303 and consider it.
I purchased aprox 4ltrs for $96 and used half on the one coat.
After reading a lot of bad reports on the 'rubber roof' I decide to try the prevention maintenance route.
Well.. To follow up .. I have treated the rubber over the last few months.. Its like new ..
But I wanted to cover it so it lasts another 10 or so years with out too much maintenance..
I used a membrane product called Base Coat.. Its a UV stable membrane used in pools etc..
I applied 3 coats 20min apart.. Applied some sealer / calking around ends.. Then one more coat of membrane over sealer..
Left it a day to dry. it has a sticky contact which it should have..
I called into local paint shop and asked for the BEST paint for application..
Its THICK like old old fashioned acrylic paint of old..
Wouldn't pour out of tin without a wiggle or two..
Gave it 3 coats and I tell you it looks awesome.. I bought 20 litres of base coat and only used 4 litres..
The inerior seems cooler too.. I needed sun glasses to apply last coat ..
Very happy .. Under.. Way under $200 of paint and membrane..
I am having similar thoughts about our EPDM roof on the old Winnie
Can you give exactly what the name of the products you used on your rubber roof & where did you purchase them from, Tried googling "Base Coat" but 100s of listing under that heading.
The "Base Coat" is the "Membrane" product I assume, can you tell me who is the manufacturer & where did you get it from please.
Did you then use what you call "BEST paint for application" what did they recommend , 3 coats to cover the membrane ? Wouldn't the paint then eventually crack as the EPDM rubber & I assume the "membrane Base Coat " is so flexible?
Has anybody used Thermo-shield on their EPDM rubber roof?
Quote from their brochure
"The THERMO-SHIELD Roof System can be applied directly to most clean, dry, sound substrates, including metal, concrete, wood, asphalt shingles, tile, asbestos, urethane foam, and EPDM."