Welcome to the gang terrola, enjoy here and out in the playground.
I have the Truma and even though I haven't had much use for it as I follow the warmer weather as much as I can I have not had a problem with the vent as you mention. I haved positioned it slightly facing out and down. My vent is next to timber drawers so like the heat going away from them a little. I haven't seen or heard of a vent you ask about sorry.
Keep Safe out there.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
a) Removed the rotating louvre vent from the square black plastic fitting behind it and discarded it.
b) Cut a section of black perforated metal to the shape of the circular hole left after a). The perforated metal came from and old fan heater that failed.
c) The metal was cut about 20mm larger than the circular hole. The perimeter 20mm was bent at right angles to form a cup like shape.
d) Removed the silver corrugated heating duct from the square plastic fitting and inserted the perforated metal inside.
e) Screwed the perforated metal to the plastic fitting through the 20mm edge.
Carl the intake vent is usually a simple straight unit so you can swap the swivel outlet centre piece for the grid screen in the inlet unit to achieve what you require.
thank you for your replies
checked out the intake vent it is the same as the outlet. having another think about it
i cut a piece of 90cm pvc water pipe ( removed the vent ) it fits straight on
now hot air travels from one end of van to other (no more cool legs at table)
a simple fix that works well
terrola (terry)