Our caravan is now just over two years old. The seating is upholstered with a so called leather finish called annahide. The leather is literally disintegrating. Peeling away in flakes as does extreme sunburn on our skin. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how was it rectified?
I lifted this from a company site that does commercial uphol
Annahide is the absolute cutting edge in upholstery textiles. With a 100% polyurethane face and genuine leather backing it offers a natural flexibility like no other leather look vinyl on the market.
it is not leather face and I would suggest that the vinyl face is disintergrating replacement is the only real option
I would check with the upholstery supplier (van manufacture should be able to help) as a lot of upholstery has 2 years or longer wty
Check your sales sheet and see if they used the word Bonded Leather and you may have a claim through the ACCC if the company doesn't come to the party.
I think a trip to your Office of Fair Trading or Consumer affairs depending in which state you live would be in order if your caravan trader is unresponsive.
Try to contact the caravan dealer where you bought it, or to one who build it
If no good response tell them that you will go to fair trading
A caravan is not build for only 2 year usage
Even when you buy a cow hide ( leather ) it comes with a warning don't put it in direct sun light
Besides that warning there are still heaps of cars sold with a leather interior
I used to have ford with leather seats after 4 years she was compleet cactus the dealer paid for new retrim of the seats
I would for the life of me never have leather in a car again
Regardless of 'leather' or not - you will be covered by the national Australian Consumer Law.
Goods are required to be 'fit for purpose'. I would suggest 2 years use is not fit for purpose.
By law, you are required to first contact the supplier and request a remedy. And you must give them 'reasonable' time. So I would suggest you write to them (by email or mail) and ask for a reply within 10 business days.
If you are not happy with the result, then you should contact your state's Consumer Affairs department.
Hi Boatman, I run a leather and furniture repair business and we refuse to even attempt any repair on non genuine leather. We have seen this peeling and cracking on bonded leather and it is just an inferior product. I believe it is being band in the US, these products are marketed under many names and are generally 17%shredded leather bonded with vinyl and other man made products.
Greet everyone as a friend, its up to them to prove you wrong.
Boatman, in China your product is called "pleather" and is produced by many manufacturers, mainly in and near Shenzhen in Guangdong Province in SE China, near Hong Kong.
There are a couple of differing grades of pleather, with the top range being equal to or superior to natural leather. Unfortunately, lower grades are very inferior and this may be what you have on your upholstery.