Checking the anode has been on my to do list since a thread or two made me aware of what can happen.
I was working on a couple of jobs in the van and decided to have a look at the HWS anode. After finding a suitable tool I removed the anode with these results. Yuck!!! I will need to flush out and replace anode..
Should have been replaced some time ago by the look of it. Suggest you change it before all of the alloy has gone usually around every 12 months. I check mine very 6 to 8 months and always carry a spare. Leaving replacement too long will increase the rate of corrosion of the tank. The regular checks also ensure the tread doesn't get corroded up making the removal difficult and it can be flushed out at the same time.
-- Edited by Moonraker on Friday 12th of June 2015 05:27:59 PM
Checking the anode has been on my to do list since a thread or two made me aware of what can happen.
I was working on a couple of jobs in the van and decided to have a look at the HWS anode. After finding a suitable tool I removed the anode with these results. Yuck!!! I will need to flush out and replace anode..
Aussie Paul.
I reckon you've had a good run from that anode LOL
Hi all ,the you tube video in Sharke,s post was interesting if only for the winterising option the fellow in the video had on his RV .Never seen any on the vans I have looked at ,all I can do when replacing my anode is flush the tank out with my homemade wand .Has anyone out there got a winterising thingo on there hot water tank ,and also can they be installed in a existing system.
Atherton tableland Nth Queensland. Currently have a Crusader Manhatton ,But in april 2017 will be trading it in on a Retreat Brampton.
Hi all ,the you tube video in Sharke,s post was interesting if only for the winterising option the fellow in the video had on his RV .Never seen any on the vans I have looked at ,all I can do when replacing my anode is flush the tank out with my homemade wand .Has anyone out there got a winterising thingo on there hot water tank ,and also can they be installed in a existing system.
I doubt that you will find any in Aus
It in itself could hardly be called a winterizing system
All It does is neutralise the residue that may be in the tank or on the tank walls
The only winterising is leaving the tank full of water with the POWER still on to stop it freezing
I could not find a tube spanner anywhere on the net or at any hardware shops to fit my hot water element on the caravan so I made one myself out of 2" gal pipe 6 sided to fit the element , 8" long with hole in the end to take a bit of 6mm bar.
Atherton tableland Nth Queensland. Currently have a Crusader Manhatton ,But in april 2017 will be trading it in on a Retreat Brampton.
You were lucky! I'm paranoid and check it regularly to avoid the gunk clean up. Takes a lot of water to flush it well and get it all out. I use a tooth brush to poke around inside and get the big lumps out....