I'm still waiting for some-one in the Scientific Community to go looking for the [different, and undescribed,] Quoll I saw up on Cape York. No one seems interested, and the government has Okayed a large parcel of land-clearing up there recently, which I find totally abhorrant.
"My" Quoll has a Black and White banded tail. One of them lived with us for 3 weeks after a cyclone, and used to come out at night, to eat the Dog-food. It had a hurt leg, so it couldn't hunt for itself, 'till it healed. I used to watch it from a distance of about 18ft, so I know what I saw. Didn't have a camera at the time unfortunately, and had no way to get out to get one then.
God knows how many species of living things will be wiped out before we've even known they were there.
I just keep being told by NPWS that they need a Pic., [we couldn't get out for over 6 months, to get a camera] or Cane-toads will have wiped them out. Two other people have seen them in the past few years, but they had glimpses of them at night, while they were setting up camp, and of course, the animals were gone before they could get to cameras.
I did try Australia Zoo, but they were not interested either, even though they have property not too far from the area of the latest sightings.
Sheba - they will have recorded the info you passed on to them in their database - like any govt dept that has a greenish tinge they have to fight for money against 'progress' and the almighty dollar (or vote).
Good Luck