The vet nurse greats Peal at the desk. looking very upset she ask's Peal what's up. Its Gabriel, she looks off.
Bring Gabriel straight through, the vet will see Gabriel right away.
Hullo Peal, What's Up. Its Gabriel, she off.
The vet takes a look.
The vet replies your not wrong. She's Dead.
No No she can't be, Peal replies.
Yep. Stone Dead. Sorry.
You must be able to do some thing. Please.Please do some thing.
Ok OK, the vet go's out back and returns with the house cat, The vet puts the cat up on the table in front of the budgie. the cat takes one sniff and shakes it head. See I told you so. Cat confirms this.
Peal starts crying No NO There must be some thing else you can do. Please.
Ok Ok, the vet go's out back and returns with his own labrador. the vet puts the Labrador up on the table in front of the budgie. the dog takes one sniff and shakes it head. See I told you so. The Labrador confirms this.
Thankyou for trying anyway.
That's ok, better luck next time.Do you mind fixing the account please. Shaw what then do I owe you!
That will be $855.00 please.
What. Peal replies. To tell me that my budgies dead!
That's Right Peal. $ 55.00 for the consultation. $400.00 for the cat scan. $400.00 for the Lab test. $855.00