Ozzie aged 92 and Nola age 89, living on the Gold Coast, are all excited about their decision to get married.
They go for a stroll to discuss their wedding plans and on the way pass a substantial Pharmacy...and Ozzie suggests they go in...
Ozzie addresses the Pharmacist behind the counter:
'Are you the Owner?"
The Pharmacist answers "Yes"
Ozzie: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication"?
Pharmacist: "Of course we do".
Ozzie: "How about medicine to improve circulation."?
Pharmacist: "All kinds"
Ozzie: "What about medicine for rheumatism?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Ozzie: "And how about suppositories?"
Pharmacist: "You bet mate"...
Ozzie: Medicine to assist with memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?"
Pharmacist:" Yes, a large variety...The works mate"
Ozzie: "what about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease and everything for heartburn and indigestion"?...
Pharmacist: Absolutely ..Yes"
Ozzie "You sell wheelchairs, walkers and canes"?
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes"...
Ozzie: "and Adult Diapers"?
Pharmacist:..Sure..look where is all this leading... as we have the lot"?
Ozzie: "Well.. we'd like to use your Pharmacy premises as our Bridal Registry"...........
Hoo Roo.
My Avatar photo: How my youngest granddaughter Brydie 8 sees her Pa through the lens of her 'Barbie' Camera......
'Without Going You Get No Where'....written across the rear of my Jayco Caravan.