I am running both Win 7 & 8. I would have been happy to keep with 7 but new computers come with 8.1. I have got used to 8.1 and it's OK but would suggest it is a waste of money upgrading from 7 unless a new computer is involved. Unless you want a touch screen 7 will do most things that 8 will do. If you are upgrading from XP I would suggest it is time for a new computer anyway, don't be afraid of 8.1, it will be a similar learning curve.
-- Edited by PeterD on Tuesday 27th of January 2015 12:11:16 AM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
I am running both Win 7 & 8. I would have been happy to keep with 7 but new computers come with 8.1. I have got used to 8.1 and it's OK but would suggest it is a waste of money upgrading from 7 unless a new computer is involved. Unless you want a touch screen 7 will do most things that 8 will do. If you are upgrading from XP I would suggest it is time for a new computer anyway, don't be afraid of 8.1, it will be a similar learning curve.
-- Edited by PeterD on Tuesday 27th of January 2015 12:11:16 AM
I agree with what you say Peter.
I only upgraded my desktop because was running XP and was concerned about security issues.
Regardless, as you point out, nothing to be worried about with 8.1, easy to navigate and use, just a little different.
Hi Guys , should've bought a Mac then there would be no problems.
Blues man.
And paid through the nose for a computer and you are tied to apple products
Hi Guys It's me again ,isn't it great to know that once you have an apple product ,and even though it might be a bit over priced ,you get exactly what you pay for ,a really great product,
A product that works every time ,all the time and no upgrades.(hehehe) I'm loving this. My next APPLE product will be an iphone i hope.
Come on guys get on to the good product APPLE.Hahahaha.
Hi Guys , should've bought a Mac then there would be no problems.
Blues man.
And paid through the nose for a computer and you are tied to apple products
Hi Guys It's me again ,isn't it great to know that once you have an apple product ,and even though it might be a bit over priced ,you get exactly what you pay for ,a really great product,
A product that works every time ,all the time and no upgrades.(hehehe) I'm loving this. My next APPLE product will be an iphone i hope.
Come on guys get on to the good product APPLE.Hahahaha.
Hi Guys , should've bought a Mac then there would be no problems.
Blues man.
And paid through the nose for a computer and you are tied to apple products
Hi Guys It's me again ,isn't it great to know that once you have an apple product ,and even though it might be a bit over priced ,you get exactly what you pay for ,a really great product,
A product that works every time ,all the time and no upgrades.(hehehe) I'm loving this. My next APPLE product will be an iphone i hope.
Come on guys get on to the good product APPLE.Hahahaha.
Blues man.
-- Edited by Santa on Tuesday 27th of January 2015 08:40:46 PM
Hi Guys , should've bought a Mac then there would be no problems.
Blues man.
And paid through the nose for a computer and you are tied to apple products
Hi Guys It's me again ,isn't it great to know that once you have an apple product ,and even though it might be a bit over priced ,you get exactly what you pay for ,a really great product,
A product that works every time ,all the time and no upgrades.(hehehe) I'm loving this. My next APPLE product will be an iphone i hope.
Come on guys get on to the good product APPLE.Hahahaha.
Hi Guys , should've bought a Mac then there would be no problems.
Blues man.
And paid through the nose for a computer and you are tied to apple products
Hi Guys It's me again ,isn't it great to know that once you have an apple product ,and even though it might be a bit over priced ,you get exactly what you pay for ,a really great product,
A product that works every time ,all the time and no upgrades.(hehehe) I'm loving this. My next APPLE product will be an iphone i hope.
Come on guys get on to the good product APPLE.Hahahaha.
Anyway, it's a Win8 thread, so get back on topic...
-- Edited by 03_Troopy on Wednesday 28th of January 2015 11:37:38 AM
Sorry guys i didn't realise APPLE products caused so much anguish ,anyway, i do have a Dell with windows 7 but i don't use it as i have an apple and besides my windows 7 needs reformatting and that makes me very sad.
Have only just joined this forum, but though I should add my bit.
I still refer to Windows 8 as Windows H8. have tried to upgrade to 8.1 on several occasions, but always get an error message at the end - upgrade aborted.
Anyway, I fully endorse Classic Shell. As freeware, have been using since I acquired this current Dell laptop, which I use for both business and my photography.
Finally, my one bit of advice - laptops do not recover from a hangover - don't spill a glass of (good) red on the keyboard.
Also don't close the lid with a usb stick sitting on the keyboard, I did with daughters laptop. I had just finished removing virus and didn't notice the stick and yes I cracked the screen.
Cost me just under $200 to buy a screen and replace myself, I just built a new computer for DIL and put 8.1 on it and configured it so it works similar to 7. DIL is happy as had Vista on last one.
Mate has 8 on a dell and it is a pita for me but he is happy and he is 87 years old
Birdographers wrote:
Have only just joined this forum, but though I should add my bit.
I still refer to Windows 8 as Windows H8. have tried to upgrade to 8.1 on several occasions, but always get an error message at the end - upgrade aborted.
Anyway, I fully endorse Classic Shell. As freeware, have been using since I acquired this current Dell laptop, which I use for both business and my photography.
Finally, my one bit of advice - laptops do not recover from a hangover - don't spill a glass of (good) red on the keyboard.
I use Linux Ubuntu which will do everything Windows will do only more so and without the frustration. Great free software and no security issues. I have a 50 inch TV to watch bit torrent movies on - Linux will twin monitor out of the tin. OK so Transmission is a bit naughty but at least my software is all kosher.
Get a wireless mouse and keyboard for 20 bucks so you can sit away from the laptop and you wont spill wine on it. I have had this wireless keyboard for a year now and sat on it once - it now has a 5 degree dihedral and a strip of gafffa tape on the back.
I use Linux Ubuntu which will do everything Windows will do only more so and without the frustration. Great free software and no security issues. I have a 50 inch TV to watch bit torrent movies on - Linux will twin monitor out of the tin. OK so Transmission is a bit naughty but at least my software is all kosher.
Get a wireless mouse and keyboard for 20 bucks so you can sit away from the laptop and you wont spill wine on it. I have had this wireless keyboard for a year now and sat on it once - it now has a 5 degree dihedral and a strip of gafffa tape on the back.
"The Linux culture isn't always responsive to the common user
This all brings us to the last reason Linux isn't triumphing over Windows: the Linux community and the users and advocates themselves. Linux is a geek's OS. I don't mean geek in a derogatory way and certainly include myself in the term: a very technically skilled user who derives pleasure from the technology itself."
That article was written in 2009 and it's critique was valid then. Back then I was running Linux on a dead badger and Win 7 with about $10k of pirate software on it. Both machine were for recreational purposes. I had a Win 7 laptop all strictly legit and treated with care as my work machine. I would use the Win 7 Pirate box to trial software like Photoshop / Sound / Multimedia Editors etc. I would be overjoyed if I could get the Linux box to do anything much.
As the article said Windows was getting more annoying and Linux easier. This article was written about when the curves were crossing. The less geeky you are the harder you will find it to do anything with any operating system. The incentive to "geek up" has to be balanced by the rewards for doing so. Although it seems a perjoritive Grandma's are going to have to suck it up like us geeks; The Grandma Test describes having to give a computer OS to someone who has never seen a computer before.
I reckon Ubuntu beat Windows 8 in the Grandma Test. I know that's when I made the switch.
Partitioning is a breeze now - especially if you dont dual boot and these days why would you? . You dont have to use the command line if you dont want. Installing software could not be simpler using the software centre and free-ware doesn't come with trashware add ons that take over your browser. The shareware available, actually packs some heft these days Kdenlive, Gimp, Audacity. I haven't encountered driver hardware that doesn't work straight out of the tin in about 4 years. You get used to fuss free operating and then when you do go over to the Windows 7 machine to listen to audible spoken book you are reminded what a pest all the needy Adobe Flashplayer / Virus scanners / windows updater notification jump off the desktop demaning attention.
Each OS has it's pros and cons but for overall set and forget user friendliness I reckon Ubuntu is well ahead.
I notice the Author finishes what looks like a flame bait article with "Go ahead. Comment. Rant. Prove me right." .
I had a read of most of the comments but he didn't draw out any rants from the 250 odd comments. Nothing as crackers as his OP at any rate.
My point was;
"To those that think Linux is far too geeky for hassle free desktop lay usage - take another look. That has changed."
My Dad was always going on about Open Source like it was one kind of pernicious boffin's egg Agenda 21 plot. Perhaps he was just yanking on my chain like the Author of the article you linked to? Last time I was visiting Dad in Canada I put it to him that Ubuntu would pass the (in his case, Great Grandfather Test) and ran him through an OS / Software install. Some command line, both of us did that stuff, back in the day with MS DOS. Showed him some software. Showed him how Unity and Windows 8 are upsetting to both zealot camp followers. There are some things that happen in Linux that suck and others that are just rosy.
The reality is these systems are tools. Depends on the job, which tool you reach for. Dad is HR/Admin and I am Science. Dad was a bit in awe of my geek skills - it looks a lot more impressive than it really is and I bash my head plenty. We all do. Dad used to teach Speadsheet and Database at TAFE and can run rings round me in Excel. I tell Dad in 3 days I would have him running rings round me in Linux. As a scientist one always finds ones pants round one's ankles in Excel - forget Open Libre - as a tool, it is like gumboots to alligators, BUT were talking about the Grandma Test...
About 10 years ago I was involved with a group called Computer Angels who dumpster dived dead badgers and installed Ubuntu on them and provided these machines to pensioners along with training. I thought then it was a good idea who's time had not quite come. Now I believe that for the sub section of Homeuser Desktop , WWW, Graphics, Video Editing, Sound Recording. Ubuntu is now a strong contender and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand.
The article you linked to was polemical, partisan and misleading.
It is no small thing to suggest someone invest a few days of their time revisiting a technology that one reckons may have, just now, come of age and now be of practical use. By the same token it is wrong to badmouth, in the way that this bloke has. He has gone out of his way to be offensive;
"let's get away from personalities, people who don't bathe, and the whole basement <airquote>Fortress of Solitude</airquote> thing."
It is base trolling , click bait and what he has proffered by way of argument is either factually wrong or a matter of taste. That sort of rhetoric would get you fired (or comprehensively reproved on a mine site) anywhere I have ever worked.
I make these comments in good faith. I am just responding honestly, as I see things with what little experience as I have to the links that you showed me. With the greatest respect I suggest you look a bit further afield to inform yourself as to current knowledge on all sides of the question.
Kind Regards
-- Edited by Mark Bolton on Saturday 28th of February 2015 05:54:51 PM
Actually I've been using linux mint 17 on an old toshiba Laptop, that came with Vista when I bought it, and find it very easy to use and wouldn't class myself as a geek. I have another Toshiba much newer that came with win8 and has been upgraded to 8.1, but I always go to the Linux machine first these days whenever I want to do something. Linux Mint has a very easy to use style of GUI and if you can operate a windows machine you'll have no trouble with it really. The main problem I have with it is when I do need to be a bit geeky and get into running commands in the terminal (CLI) and I have to get my head around the commands and how the operating system is set up, but I'm getting there. For non geekiness though all the other stuff is pretty simple.
Here's a bit of a look at some of the features if you're interested at all