I would like to know what satellite TV systems are available when out on the road. Is there any free Sat TV stations? Who are the providers ? What do I need? What are the costs?
These days we travellers have acces to ALL the digital free to air TV stations through a system called VAST (Viewer Access Satellite Television)
The only provider is the Australian government through an organisation called VAST administration
To access this system you will need the following:
VAST certified decoder
Satellite dish and tripod OR a roof mounted automatic sat dish(expensive) I prefer the tripod mounting because I can set it up away from trees and I do not have to get down on my knees or bend over to aim the dish.
Satellite finder to aim and fine tune your sat signal(preferably a digital one)
Cables to connect it all to your accommodation
possibly a "through the wall connection" to get the signal inside your RV
A TV set with HDMI input.
A list of aiming co-ordinates for the Optus C1 satellite
A compass to find north
Some patience while you practice aiming the dish.
Register(at no cost) as a traveller on the mysattv.com.au website. registration link here: www.mysattv.com.au/travellers.aspx
ALL of this(except the patience) is available from a supplier that has an excellent reputation among GN's for providing quality components, great service and support backup and good prices.
Have a look at these sites: www.satplus.com.au www.accessantennas.com.au www.vansat.com.au
I very highly recommend you DO NOT purchase from a WA company called Itech World. We have seen many issues with the deals they advertise and also with the lack of support after the sale is made.
I hope this helps
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW
KFT is spot on. Just a little bit to think about, There is now on the market acouple of lcd televisions that already have a vast reciever built in 24" & 32" ( as well as a full analog / digital tuners ) and one of these would save having to have seperate unitsand cables running every where. Uncertain if these sets have a dvd player as well, but the best part of these sets is they are made for 12 Volts and when you need to use 240 Volts these sets also come with there own power supply. Haven't purchesed one as yet..........But l'm thinking about a early christmas present.
Problem with these combined tv/Sat units is if one item fails you are stuck with it, and will have to replace with a separate unit anyway, bit like the tv/dvd players, where the dvd fails but tv is fine.
Also they are not a cheaper option, most sat boxes are a very small footprint anyway nowadays so can be fitted in somewhere.
Ohhh. Thanks for the words of wisdom and the dealer recommendations.
Been thinking about satellite but for now we get by with TV shows off the net, onto a USB stick & play on TV.
And a TV antenna from Aldi. Reception is great to "waste of time",depending on location.
Bookmarks taken for the firms listed.
Good to know about that sat firm who advertise everywhere.
I have an Access satellite dish from the company in Osborne Park in WA. They keep banging on about inferior products and suppliers (particularly one also in Perth who advertises in the monthly Caravan magazine, but Ive found their service isn't that crash hot either.
When I got to Exmouth and went to set it up, there was a small nut and bolt missing. When I emailed them, the reply was "we weigh all our mail orders and it would have been in there" - rather than just serving up some good customer service and posting me out another one (the stamp would have cost them more).
Then when I asked them about the $199 TV hand-held units that you plug in at the dish to make all the alignment so much easier - I was referred to one costing almost $600 !!!!
Anyone know where I can buy a cheap unit like this and if its off E-Bay - whats it called, so I know what Im looking for.
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
Hi KFT, thanks for that info. We are thinking of buying a dish too so your suggestions are great.
We were considering the iTec unit at one stage then heard that they don't work once you are a certain distance up north which is where we want to go.
Do we need to look for a certain dish size/model/power output etc to get service in the far north?
Hi KFT, thanks for that info. We are thinking of buying a dish too so your suggestions are great. We were considering the iTec unit at one stage then heard that they don't work once you are a certain distance up north which is where we want to go. Do we need to look for a certain dish size/model/power output etc to get service in the far north? Cheers
We have an 85cm dish. Regards further north you travel, we have experienced this issue with our unit, it is not just iTec. Issue is the satellite. Seems a bit strange but this was confirmed by both Vast and Access. We have had no issues with our Vast unit, eventually have found signal, just takes a bit longer and the strength is not as strong.
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