Reading the post below about batteries confirmed I know stuff all about solar and batteries. I had mine set up by professionals so accept it is done properly but I still have unanswered questions.
I have 2x agm gel 100ah batteries. 2x 140 watt panels, a ctek 1400 charger for when on 240. a redarc solar controller I was told is the best and must have.
1. when we stop at a free camp the solar system controller I have shows the batteries are charging and while the sun is shining it reads 13 to 14 sun goes down it drops to about 12 and in the morning it is about 10. Sun comes up reading jumps up to 13. Now are these readings the amount of charge left in the battery or is it just the amount going into them. should I still rely on a reading from a multimeter to know the charge in battery. I might add the reading is the same regardless if we watch TV or spend the night in darkness reading our kobo glows. there is always a bit of water pump and lights activity but not excessive.
2. Pre putting on Solar Panels the van sat for about 18mths with no power. When I first got batteries I was told gel batteries can go flat 1000 times and they will still come back. I have been told recently that if batteries do not have current going through them for a long period they will die. What is the case
3 I will be in Broome next week and intend paying a visit to someone who should know and would like a bit of an idea before I go.
I can build things, know my way around a computer and have a survival abilities regarding motors but this has me stuffed, but from talking with others I know I am not alone.
With my limited knowledge you need 13+ to charge your batteries form you Solar Panel's so from what you have said it looks like the sun is charging the batteries ok and you are using the power somehow during the night, more than likely before you finish for the day and go into the land of nod. Seems to be a lot of power being used though to drop down to the 10 you mentioned.
Also there must be a 12v DC charger in the system somewhere for the Solar to be charging. I could be wrong though (that's that limited knowledge thing).
I have a 240v charger and a separate Duel DC - DC, Ctek smart charger that charges my battery from the Solar Panel or Tug, I also have my 3 way fridge connected to the tug side of the Ctek to run the fridge on 12v while driving. The tug is also charging the Den battery while on the move.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Reading the post below about batteries confirmed I know stuff all about solar and batteries. I had mine set up by professionals so accept it is done properly but I still have unanswered questions.
I have 2x agm gel 100ah batteries. 2x 140 watt panels, a ctek 1400 charger for when on 240. a redarc solar controller I was told is the best and must have.
1. when we stop at a free camp the solar system controller I have shows the batteries are charging and while the sun is shining it reads 13 to 14 sun goes down it drops to about 12 and in the morning it is about 10. Sun comes up reading jumps up to 13. Now are these readings the amount of charge left in the battery or is it just the amount going into them. should I still rely on a reading from a multimeter to know the charge in battery. I might add the reading is the same regardless if we watch TV or spend the night in darkness reading our kobo glows. there is always a bit of water pump and lights activity but not excessive.
2. Pre putting on Solar Panels the van sat for about 18mths with no power. When I first got batteries I was told gel batteries can go flat 1000 times and they will still come back. I have been told recently that if batteries do not have current going through them for a long period they will die. What is the case
3 I will be in Broome next week and intend paying a visit to someone who should know and would like a bit of an idea before I go.
I can build things, know my way around a computer and have a survival abilities regarding motors but this has me stuffed, but from talking with others I know I am not alone.
Thanks for any advice in advance
One at a time
[1]if the batterriesare @ 10V in the morning several situations can exist :
[a]you are drawing the batterries down to virtualy FLAT
If they are not already stuffed, they soon will be
You need to have them capacity checked for a start.
you then need to look at how much power you use to determine if even the NEW batterries have sufficient capacity to meet that load
[c]You should have a battery "LOW VOLTAGE cut out" set to around 12V to limit damage to the batteries from OVER DISCHARGING.
[d]A fully charged battery with no load or only a light load should read 12.6<12.7V when NOT being charged
[e]to fully charge lead acid batterries, they need to be taken up to around 14.2<14.5V
They may then be maintained at around 13.2 to 13.6V
[2]Flooded wet cell lead acid batterrie will be DEAD after 18months without being CHARGED
Gel batterries, if fully charged before storage, do have a longer shelf life but 18Months
My suggestions are :
Have the batterries fully charged to the makers specs
Then do a capacity test.
Have your charging set up checked
Ensure that your usage does not exceed your battery capacity & recharging ability
If not fitted get a" LOW voltage cut out" fitted
That will minimiize battery damage due to over discharging
Plus a Few extra's..
- what are you using over night...
-- If you have a heavy Load, you need More Ability to charge the Batteries..
- Either via More solar Panel's..
- A DC to DC charger from the car to the Van when it's Plugged in..[ I'm not a Fan of this type of charging ]
- Or a Generator [Which I'm definitely NOT a fan of ]
So if you have the Ability to have more solar added to the system do so..
--> If you go Portable Panels
Make sure that you have some method of security for them.. I know of People that have run Insulated Stainless Steel Cables from the Panels to their Van/MH and have them Padlocked to the Van/MH.. Yes People will want to Steal Them..
If you want some extra ideas on external Solar just ask..
IF I say something Dumb.. Just Smack me..
I'm full of Knowledge.. I don't profess to know EVERYTHING, but I'm constantly Learning new thing's..
Most nights the only thing on is the fridge light. I even turn off the pump. I really think the batts are gone. Pre solar I could last about 3 days with similar use to now. Bugger new batts on the way but I will go up to 110 ah.
Thanks all
If the batteries are shot, you need to work out why..
The most common reason is that there is not enough charge to get the batteries back up to near full capacity.. [RE You need to have more Solar or Some other form of Charge]
- Re the Fridge light.. Do you mean that the batteries are powering the fridge...
If that is the answer then you most likely Do not have enough solar to run the fridge and put a charge back into the Batteries..
-- anyone and I do mean Anyone that say's " Oh you just need an extra Battery.. " in my think'n does not KNOW what they are talking about...
-- Ask Anyone else that knows what they are talking about.. IF you don't replenish what is taken out of the batteries, while you have the sun out.. you will be on a spiraling course to doom... ie.. if the batteries don't reach full charge at the end of a charge cycle they can form a Memory which affects the life of the batteries..
I wish you luck in what ever way you go with your issue..
IF I say something Dumb.. Just Smack me..
I'm full of Knowledge.. I don't profess to know EVERYTHING, but I'm constantly Learning new thing's..
I have one 120 watt Solar Panel that charges 2 x 103 ah batteries..
and I live in Victoria...
so you have plenty of Solar Panels...
if your batteries are charged and pushing 13 to 14 volts only to drop back to 12 or less straight away after taking charging off then you may have at least one battery on the way out...
or they haven't been charged properly...
but from what you are saying.. it sound like they are on the way out...
but never just change one battery... the older one will drag the new one down...
GEL batteries don't give off a gas while charging so if you ever change to lead batteries they have to go outside... the gas is explosive..
fridge is on gas, it is a little blue light to let me know it is on. Fridge is set up so it only runs on 12 volt when car is connected and running
Cteck charger gets them up when on 240, solar has no prob getting them to float, just it don't last
check the 12 VOLT shop in broome as a repairer, has all sorts of solar stuff, around the corner from bunnings. There is also a good mobile elecie that has cards on the notice board at vacation village cp