I am looking at changing my current incandescent stop tail light to LED's. Do I need resistor/s or is there an adaptor that can be fitted to my 7 pin flat connector plug?
My apologies for not making things a little bit clearer. [senior moment]. The lights that I am looking to convert are on the van. I am not modifying the tug.
Not sure what tug you run, but some vehicles sense the presence of a trailer by pulsing one or more of the circuits with a small voltage, this has no impact on incandescents, and their resistance is low enough to be recognised. With Leds, this can result in things like the indicators flashing at about 1hz (once per second), and the tug not sensing the trailer.
This typically only applies to recent European vehicles, Audi, VW, Landrover, etc.
Umpie 1
Mate for more information on this subject maybe have a look at the post " No brake lights on the rear of the caravan ". I think it is on the bottom of this subject page. Regards Vince.
I tow with a 200 series cruiser and have a 10+ year old Evernew where I converted all interior and external lighting to new LED light fittings and everything has worked fine for me since. Have done around 8,000ks since fitting them and apart from one poor earth (fixed) that showed up all good. Best decision in awhile.
Cheers Jeff
Ticking off the bucket list before we kick it!
200 TTD with Evernew 22'6" and 40+ years in the oil & gas industry, now retired. CMCA Member.
Thanks very much for all the suggestions. I am going to try replacing the current festoon globes with LED ones rather than changing the whole unit/s over. If it works it will be definitely cheeper.