Swampy they called me. 11sqn as fitter, 492sqn and MNTESL until Flight Engineers course in '81 at Edinburgh on P3B's. Flew on P3's until '86, left RAAF and then TAA/Australian Airlines/QANTAS as FEO until '98. Went overseas for a few years and came back in 2001 and did various training jobs until retirement in 2012. Now a happy Grey Nomad.
Swampy, I think I know you from ESL. Were you building a big yacht in the hobby hanger at ESL? If so we served together.
P B Crockart EX RAAF Electrician,
Aircraft Avionics tech. Senior high school teacher.
Swampy they called me. 11sqn as fitter, 492sqn and MNTESL until Flight Engineers course in '81 at Edinburgh on P3B's. Flew on P3's until '86, left RAAF and then TAA/Australian Airlines/QANTAS as FEO until '98. Went overseas for a few years and came back in 2001 and did various training jobs until retirement in 2012. Now a happy Grey Nomad.
Swampy, I think I know you from ESL. Were you building a big yacht in the hobby hanger at ESL? If so we served together.
I remember you Phil, but no it wasn't me building the yacht. I was in ESL when Santa crashed and the Mirage crashed at the range. I can still hear the crunch sound when the CT4 hit the ground. I was on HS748's as a sumpy corporal.
Swampy they called me. 11sqn as fitter, 492sqn and MNTESL until Flight Engineers course in '81 at Edinburgh on P3B's. Flew on P3's until '86, left RAAF and then TAA/Australian Airlines/QANTAS as FEO until '98. Went overseas for a few years and came back in 2001 and did various training jobs until retirement in 2012. Now a happy Grey Nomad.
Swampy, I think I know you from ESL. Were you building a big yacht in the hobby hanger at ESL? If so we served together.
I remember you Phil, but no it wasn't me building the yacht. I was in ESL when Santa crashed and the Mirage crashed at the range. I can still hear the crunch sound when the CT4 hit the ground. I was on HS748's as a sumpy corporal.
Holy smoke Swampy, good to catch you again after so many years, hope you are keeping well mate. I ran into Roo Whitwer a few years ago when he took one of my students for work experience, he hasnt changed that much...
Take care mate, great to catch up. I can remember that mirage and the CT4, I was on tarmac that day when we sent him off there was me and a lad called Kid Carter that day. I was flying with Darbyshire the week before in a roulette ride. Yipes!!! I can still here the fire truck trying to make foam... crunch crunch..
P B Crockart EX RAAF Electrician,
Aircraft Avionics tech. Senior high school teacher.
Hey Phil, have breakfast once a week with Roo Wittwer, will mention your name next breakfast. He has a business called Roo's Electrical, and yes I know his nickname was Roo in the RAAF. Fancy you mentioning his name hey!
And no, I am not ex services just a long time volly with the fire service.
I joined the RAAF Nursing Service in 1971 and first went to Laverton which included Point Cook on initial course. This was followed by the avmed course at Richmond then went on posting to Williamtown followed by 4 Hosp at Butterworth from April 72 till Nov 74 then to 3 Hosp at Richmond. I was on the first Herc into Darwin after Cyclone Tracey then got out in Nov 77. My original surname was Marley.
Roo and I go way back to the late 70s, we werent mates and probably didnt want to be but he was there when I was there. He took on one of my students a few years back as a work experience placement and we had a brief phone call, thats it.
Yes, please say gday, let by gones, be by gones.
If you are in the CFS you would know a dear friend of mine Rob Styling, now him and I go way back before he married Dianne. lol
Goes to show what a small world this is.
P B Crockart EX RAAF Electrician,
Aircraft Avionics tech. Senior high school teacher.
vic I worked with grant chandler and curly godwin on fork lifts most of the time was only mtmech at the time vic quin was the tyre fitter vucanizer at the time
vic I worked with grant chandler and curly godwin on fork lifts most of the time was only mtmech at the time vic quin was the tyre fitter vucanizer at the time
Don't recall them but they may have been there when I was there. Memory aint what it used to be.
Funny though with me (and I assume others) I can still remember my service number both for the Army and Air Force, they make good passwords sometimes as it is easy to remember them,
vic I worked with grant chandler and curly godwin on fork lifts most of the time was only mtmech at the time vic quin was the tyre fitter vucanizer at the time
Don't recall them but they may have been there when I was there. Memory aint what it used to be.
Funny though with me (and I assume others) I can still remember my service number both for the Army and Air Force, they make good passwords sometimes as it is easy to remember them,
My mrs still remember mine.. after all she was referred to as Wife Of AXXXXXX CPL etc etc, by the RAAF establishment, when we were overseas. And didn't she used to hate that.
That reminds me of the old story of the fellow pulling up at the front gate of a RAAF Base in civilian clothing and says, "Wing Commander Cumming" to which the guard replied, "thanks mate, I'll keep an eye out for the bastard". The guard supposedly got a lot ore guard duties after that.
That reminds me of the old story of the fellow pulling up at the front gate of a RAAF Base in civilian clothing and says, "Wing Commander Cumming" to which the guard replied, "thanks mate, I'll keep an eye out for the bastard". The guard supposedly got a lot ore guard duties after that.
Ha Ha....good one. One bloke put on the gate as punishment was given a can of paint and told to paint the guard box. He painted everything, including the radio and telephone inside the box. True story, not sure what happened about it though.
Ex RAAF RECRUIT 1213. Edinburgh. Education assistant Edinburgh 24 squadron. Was there 3 years, got into lots of trouble. Was nicknamed Smokey. Retired now.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...