The only thing I would add if you haven't already got it is a transmission cooler,and a couple of cameras one on the van and one on the Prado,I have the two cameras best investment ever.
Lance C
Can you please change Guages into Gauges in thread title and post ? If you can't, maybe the admin can assist. Or did you mean gadgets ?
What's behind my wish ?
If someone, and I do it quite often, use the search function and types in the right word correctly spelled he'll never find your post and good information is lost.
If you are talking about gauges then an AEM Transmission Temp Gauge could be useful. .
Get a Scangauge. It will allow you to check on your A/T temps. You can buy on the internet from USA or the importer in NSW. This is the link: or
If in doubt, check out all the comments on LCOOL.ORG.
But check first on their website if the scangauge has all the important codes for your specific car. It can not read the AT-temps of all cars.
If it works on yours give me a yell. Have one here and sell it for cheap.
I have a temperature sender that measures the ENGINE BLOCK temperature and NOT COOLANT TEMP. Very usefull and totally independent of Toyota temp system.
I have it set so that after a long haul, if we stop and idle engine, the alarm sounds audible/and light, so I know it is working as soon as block temp get slightly hotter. You can set even higher but my system is a "self test" on the road in practice.
Only other thing you may need is g/box temp as others have said and voltmeter for "house" battery if you run a fridge etc.
Hope this helps
Cheers Baz
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.
i want to put murphy gagues in the colly 1 on temp 1 on oil they shut down your motor or sound a buzer when things go haywire and you can adjust the setting on them